
Showing posts from March, 2020

Sleep Re-Training

For the last few weeks, TerraDactyl has been going through a sleep regression.  I guess periodically, kids sleep less well than usual.  It has to do with growth developmental milestones and discomforts like teething.  TerraDactyl spent the whole morning making this face! Anyways, TerraDactyl and I had been waking up two or three times during the night.  It was pretty brutal on me and I'm sure it was hard on TerraDactyl, too.  Making her crankier than normal during the day.  Still sticking that bottom lip out... So the other night DH and I decided to try and do some sleep re-training.  It was rough that first night.  There was some high quality crying.  But then she slept through most of the night.  So that was nice.  The crying part is hard for me though.  Everybody wants to know what's up there Part of the reason I think TerraDactyl was having trouble sleeping was because we were struggling with getting th...

Stair Master

TerraDactyl is a Stair Master!  She can go up and down the entire staircase in one go!  It seems strange to me that she has learned to navigate stairs before she started walking, but maybe that's normal. I have Twist Ties! DH took the shower doors out of the downstairs bathroom.  They weren't mounted right, so they leaked between the rails and the bottom of the doors.  It's a bit challenging to fix though because nothing is level.  But now that we've finally identified the problem, I'm hopeful we'll be able to fix it.  Snow Cute!

ANTS and Laundry Fun!

Well, yesterday morning we woke up to a horrible surprise...  Ants.  All over TerraDactyl's high chair and the surrounding area.  We tried some pears the other day and TerraDactyl indicated she didn't like them by throwing them all on the ground.  I thought I cleaned them up, but apparently they splattered and I missed some juice.  Working on Horse Stance while building with blocks Poor DH got to spend his Saturday battling the ants.  And he did make a trip out to get some Terro ant bait.  There were SO MANY ants.  It also made it difficult to feed TerraDactyl with her high chair in quarantine.  For one meal, I sat on the floor with her on my lap while I fed her Cheerios.  But then Riley tried to steal a Cheerio right out of her hand!  It was actually really funny.  They got into a tug-o-war and TerraDactyl ended up winning!  And then promptly ate her prize before I could get it away from her.  yum.  😐 ...

One Nap Days

DH has obviously not seen me wear enough sun dresses... After nearly a week of TerraDactyl refusing to sleep during her afternoon nap, we decided to try moving to one nap per day.  It seems that this will be our new normal.  Sigh. Nap hair always cracks me up Possibly my least favorite thing about TerraDactyl switching to only taking one nap per day is...  OK, it's obviously that I have less time to try and get things accomplished.  Feed me, mommy! But my NEXT least favorite thing is that I only get to go to the bathroom alone once during the day.  Seriously.  It's a lot more stressful trying to pee while corralling a child that wants to get into the grossest parts of the bathroom and a dog that wants to sniff the heck out of the child while she does it. Sneaking up on Da Da while he's at work... TerraDactyl HATES her car seat.  She throws a fit every time I put her in it.  She calms down once shes all secured in it (usua...

The Rain is Back

Our amazing weather seems to have gone back to normal.  Looks like we'll be rainy for the foreseeable future.  Well, it did hail yesterday, so that's some variety.  It's really too bad.  TerraDactyl, DH, and I were almost starting a habit of picnic lunches.  Eating has never been so much fun If you take a look at the picture above, you can see two lighter pink shiny spots where TerraDactyl's front teeth will be.  It almost looks like her teeth are being pushed out the front (more like a shark), rather than growing down from above.  Bathroom cabinets and drawers continue to be a favorite The sleep regression is continuing.  DH's been getting TerraDactyl in the morning for me so I can try and snatch a bit more sleep.  It's weird.  TerraDactyl is mostly a happy baby.  But lately, she'll just freak out during the night and need to nurse for half an hour to calm down.  Like every three hours or so.  Oh, and she's ...

11 Months Old!

TerraDactyl is 0.917 years old!  (That's 11 months).  Although, if you're filling out the 2020 census online, you fill that out as "0" years old.  ;)  I had a heck of a time trying to get TerraDactyl to lay down on her blanket for a photo.  This is the best one I got: Quite a pose Hopefully for her 1 year photo, TerraDactyl will be standing well enough we can just do them standing from then on.  Trouble is on the move I finally got TerraDactyl to wear a sun hat the other day.  For a few minutes anyways.  She ended up pulling it off her head before too long.  Sun baby I'll leave you with this video of TerraDactyl descending the stairs.  I love the way she inches forwards, it just cracks me up. 

Subversive Napping

DH finished organizing the bottom floor of his workshop.  The storage in the upper floor still needs some work, but it's getting there.  We can at least find the tools!  It looks pretty good. Check out that organization! So much space! DH let me take a nap yesterday since TerraDactyl's not been letting me sleep at night.  When I woke up they were playing with the drawers in the bathroom.  I tried to make the stuff in the drawers be things that wouldn't matter too much if TerraDactyl got into them.  It's probably not good if she eats deodorant or soap, but it's not a big deal if she empties the drawer out and drops everything on the floor.  Plus, TerraDactyl LOVES finding new things in new places.  I don't mind using dented soap. Check out all the hidden treasures! I also really enjoy watching TerraDactyl examine new things.  Sometimes she just sits there and turns them over and over in her hands.  It just cracks me up....

Sleep Regression

It looks like we've entered a sleep regression.  What does that mean?  It means I don't get enough sleep.  :(  TerraDactyl's been waking up every few hours, so my sleep comes in groups of 3 hours, which is brutal.  I'm a full night's sleep kind of girl.  I think it's maybe because her top teeth are coming in?  But she's plenty happy during the day...  it's just sleep that she's a little terror about.  Keeping an eye on Riley Naps are also in flux right now.  TerraDactyl might be transitioning to one nap a day.  I'm not really sure.  She'll take her morning nap at the same time as normal and sleep fine.  And then she'll act like she's ready for an afternoon nap, but when I lay her down, she'll play happily for 10-15 minutes and then cry for the rest of the time.  So.  That's cool.  I think the two (not sleeping well at night and not napping) are feeding into each other.  Bananas are back on th...

For the Love of Frisbee

Well, yesterday I confirmed that eggs do not sit well with TerraDactyl.  I'd tried them a bit ago and she got all red, but I'd cooked them in oil.  So this time I microwaved the eggs so there was nothing but scrambled eggs.  She didn't eat much (just one bite).  But she got all fussy and upset and asked to nurse.  So we nursed.  And then she acted sleepy, so I started getting her ready for a nap.  But she wanted to snuggle a bit, so we snuggled.  And then she puked all over me.  It was sooo sweet.  :/  What shall we build today? Fortunately, after she finished puking her guts out, TerraDactyl perked right back up and was ready to get back to playing.  Also fortunately, DH was working from home.  I probably could have dealt with it if I was by myself...  but the process was so much simpler having a clean person to help me deal.  When she first started puking (directly down my shirt front), I went and stood ...

First Step-ish!

Last night DH was trying to get TerraDactyl to take an unassisted step.  And here's the results:

Exploring our Habitat

TerraDactyl has gotten a bit better at finding new locations.  She's crawled underneath the couches in the living room - and tried to sit up and got stuck under there.  Of course that was upsetting.  But she also managed to join Riley under my bed.  She made it under and back out all on her own. Party under the bed! TerraDactyl loves her stuffed puppy.  She sleeps snuggling it - sometimes she uses it as a pillow.  And when she's awake, she gets up and pulls the puppy out of her crib through the slats so she can crawl all over the house dragging it behind her.  There's even these convenient handles to hold the puppy with... We've also been exploring outside.  The weather's been pretty nice, so we go outside for at least a little bit each day to sit in the yard.  TerraDactyl still hasn't ventured off the blanket and into the grass.  On purpose, at least.  She fell over and rolled into the grass the other day.  It wa...

Pi Day!

Saturday was Pi Day, so we celebrated with a $3.14 pie.  Mmmm.  I love pie.  It's not homemade, but I'm sure it'll be about 12 years before I can make a homemade pie again.  Yummy! A couple weeks ago, DH put some feet on TerraDactyl's bookcase.  But it started sagging in the middle, so we took it out of her room to try and fix it so it won't sag.  Which means, TerraDactyl can now reach the previously unreachable books.  First book she goes for?  Pat the Bunny.  Patting the bunny while wearing bunny socks TerraDactyl has some silicone bibs with pouches on the bottom.  They're pretty good at catching the food she drops  And TerraDactyl likes them too because it's so much easier to find those Cheerios again.  She used to look all over in the seat of her high chair, but she can just grab the food scraps right out of the pouch.  She also likes chewing on the pouch.  Plus, the bib is adorable Learning...

Visitors and Shoes

Oma and Opa came for a visit.  They helped keep an eye on TerraDactyl so I could tackle some more projects while DH was at work.  We put a door sweep on the back door so we don't have a huge gap that allows cold air into the house and we got a ton of yard work done.  In the grass with Opa Now that TerraDactyl is standing more, she should probably be wearing shoes (at least occasionally).  So if you look closely at the picture above, you can see her cute little shoes.  My sister gave me some adorable moccasins and TerraDactyl has also got some hand me downs from other little girls.  Check out my rad shoes! The shoes are especially helpful in the grass.  TerraDactyl is not a fan of standing or crawling in grass, but when she's wearing shoes, she OK since she can't feel the grass.  Did you see the buttons on this shirt??  There's THREE of them! Another thing I finally  got to do was organize our attic!  Oma and Opa...