Sleep Re-Training

For the last few weeks, TerraDactyl has been going through a sleep regression. I guess periodically, kids sleep less well than usual. It has to do with growth developmental milestones and discomforts like teething. TerraDactyl spent the whole morning making this face! Anyways, TerraDactyl and I had been waking up two or three times during the night. It was pretty brutal on me and I'm sure it was hard on TerraDactyl, too. Making her crankier than normal during the day. Still sticking that bottom lip out... So the other night DH and I decided to try and do some sleep re-training. It was rough that first night. There was some high quality crying. But then she slept through most of the night. So that was nice. The crying part is hard for me though. Everybody wants to know what's up there Part of the reason I think TerraDactyl was having trouble sleeping was because we were struggling with getting th...