Our amazing weather seems to have gone back to normal. Looks like we'll be rainy for the foreseeable future. Well, it did hail yesterday, so that's some variety. It's really too bad. TerraDactyl, DH, and I were almost starting a habit of picnic lunches.
Eating has never been so much fun |
If you take a look at the picture above, you can see two lighter pink shiny spots where TerraDactyl's front teeth will be. It almost looks like her teeth are being pushed out the front (more like a shark), rather than growing down from above.
Bathroom cabinets and drawers continue to be a favorite |
The sleep regression is continuing. DH's been getting TerraDactyl in the morning for me so I can try and snatch a bit more sleep. It's weird. TerraDactyl is mostly a happy baby. But lately, she'll just freak out during the night and need to nurse for half an hour to calm down. Like every three hours or so. Oh, and she's developed that whole tantrum thing kids do. You know, the evolutionary defense against kidnapping. It's where when you go to pick up a crying baby, the baby arches her back, throws her arms in the air, and lets everything else go limp. Making it so much more likely you'll drop the baby. That's a fun surprise in the dark at 3am. (Don't worry, TerraDactyl hasn't forced us to drop her yet!) She's done this tantrum posturing to us before, but always during the day. Usually at night, when she's crying, TerraDactyl does everything she can to get herself picked up. I guess her logic center is still developing...
Finders keepers. I'm never getting that sunblock back. |
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