Pi Day!

Saturday was Pi Day, so we celebrated with a $3.14 pie.  Mmmm.  I love pie.  It's not homemade, but I'm sure it'll be about 12 years before I can make a homemade pie again. 


A couple weeks ago, DH put some feet on TerraDactyl's bookcase.  But it started sagging in the middle, so we took it out of her room to try and fix it so it won't sag.  Which means, TerraDactyl can now reach the previously unreachable books.  First book she goes for?  Pat the Bunny. 

Patting the bunny while wearing bunny socks

TerraDactyl has some silicone bibs with pouches on the bottom.  They're pretty good at catching the food she drops  And TerraDactyl likes them too because it's so much easier to find those Cheerios again.  She used to look all over in the seat of her high chair, but she can just grab the food scraps right out of the pouch.  She also likes chewing on the pouch. 

Plus, the bib is adorable

Learning to share

DH's work told everyone who could work from home to do so.  So we're practicing social distancing as much as we can.  My life looks almost exactly as it always does.  The only difference is that when we go on walks, we don't stop at the playground to swing any more.  DH's life is remarkably similar as well.  He just has a shorter commute to the office at the end of the house rather than his cubicle a couple miles from home.

Who needs swings when you've got Da Da?!?!

I did go to Costco the other day.  It was really weird.  There was a line all the way down the building to get in.  And the food shelves were pretty bare.  Limits on how much you could buy of certain items.  Other items totally out of stock.  I saw one person who'd basically just filled their cart with kitty litter.  I guess he was taking the toilet paper scare to pets...  I'm finally getting to use my giant pantry to store stuff though. 

More adorable shoes!

I just started reading Year One by Nora Roberts.  It's...  ironic the timing my library hold got fulfilled.  The book is about a strange new virus (originally thought to be a more contagious version of the flu) that creates a pandemic and infects (and kills) a ton of people worldwide.  It was written in 2017, but there are enough parallels to the coronavirus that it gives the book an extra visceral feeling.  It's totally an apocalyptic survivalist book, which I usually really like, but I feel like it might be making me a bit more paranoid about our current situation.  ;)  It takes me a minute or two coming out of reading a chapter to remind myself that the coronavirus doesn't have a 100% mortality rate like the book does. 

DH got a little carried away when using his label maker...

I do wish that we'd managed to fill up our chicken coop when we first moved in to the new house though.  It would be comforting to know we'd at least have a few eggs every day.  :)  Hope you're all staying safe and healthy. 

TerraDactyl loves taking selfies


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