Well, yesterday I confirmed that eggs do not sit well with TerraDactyl. I'd tried them a bit ago and she got all red, but I'd cooked them in oil. So this time I microwaved the eggs so there was nothing but scrambled eggs. She didn't eat much (just one bite). But she got all fussy and upset and asked to nurse. So we nursed. And then she acted sleepy, so I started getting her ready for a nap. But she wanted to snuggle a bit, so we snuggled. And then she puked all over me. It was sooo sweet. :/
What shall we build today? |
Fortunately, after she finished puking her guts out, TerraDactyl perked right back up and was ready to get back to playing. Also fortunately, DH was working from home. I probably could have dealt with it if I was by myself... but the process was so much simpler having a clean person to help me deal. When she first started puking (directly down my shirt front), I went and stood in the shower to try and limit the floor cleaning I'd need to do. DH came and we stripped TerraDactyl down cleaned her up. While DH got her dressed again, I got to shower! (If DH wasn't home and I didn't get to shower... I'm SO glad he was here). The whole process was done in less than 15 minutes.
One Fish, Two Fish |
After the gastrointestinal excitement, we did not end up going on a walk. So instead DH and I played keep away frisbee with Riley. It's one of his favorite games. I had TerraDactyl in her Tula carrier. And she was giggling so hard. At first we thought she was laughing at Riley running all over (because she does love that). Then we thought maybe it was all the movement and bobbing I was doing. But nope. It was actually watching the Frisbee coming and going that got her so excited. It's a bit awkward, but I managed to get a video of TerraDactyl laughing while we played. The view isn't the best (it's really hard to play frisbee while videoing), but you can definitely hear her giggling. It stops in the middle because Riley snatched the Frisbee right out of my hand after I caught it and DH had to get it back from him. Sneaky puppy.
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