Heat Pump Installation Complete!

 After several setbacks (being ghosted by companies, an incorrect quote that had to be redone, having to reschedule the installation visit, underestimating installation time leading to a second visit...) we finally got our heat pump installed and working!  Just in time, too!  Check out that temperature difference!  This indoor temperature is probably a little bit hotter than actuality because it's right next to the window.  It was more like 74 degrees inside.  It's nice having the day time temperature being so reasonable, but the real benefit is the night time temperature!  It's so much easier to sleep now, especially since I'm pregnant.  I've barely been using a sheet to sleep with for months, I wasn't sure how I was going to sleep in the heat of the summer.  

This picture was a special request from TerraDactyl.  She wanted a picture of herself and her little sister together.  She's been pretty sweet hugging and snuggling with her little sister and even declaring her love for her sister.  I hope she continues to feel that way once little sister arrives.  :)  Only 17 days left!!  It's hard being so pregnant.  I think this one is going to be even bigger than TerraDactyl was -- and she was 8.5 lbs!  Or maybe it just seems so much harder because TerraDactyl's constantly asking me to pick her up and carry her, so it's not just an extra 40 lbs of baby belly, but another 30 lbs of toddler I'm hauling around.  

We made a new batch of popsicles the other day and TerraDactyl was so excited to eat her frog popsicle.  She also insisted on wearing her raincoat, even though it was like 80 degrees.  But it did make cleaning up the melted popsicle mess a bit easier.  DH just hosed her off.  She thought that was a blast, so after DH went back to work TerraDactyl ended up begging me to spray her with the hose.  I'd spray her and she'd run away, then she'd come back and ask to be sprayed again a minute later.  We played this game for like an hour before TerraDactyl finally agreed to go back inside.  

TerraDactyl is getting really good at hopscotch.  We haven't introduced any rules or anything (like throwing a rock), it's just her practicing jumping.  But she's getting much better at jumping with one leg.  It's been fun to watch her figure it out.  I'll have to remember to see if she's using both right and left legs when she jumps on one leg or not.  I haven't payed attention to that yet.  The only problem is that she wants ME to play hopscotch with her and that...  seems like a really bad idea.  Especially since the baby turned herself head down.  Seems like it's just asking for trouble.  

Family drum circle time!  TerraDactyl was SOOO into this, can you tell?  She gave us all our own drums and made us play a really long song.  She's not really into us singing to her, but she does like drumming.  And here's a video.  I'm not entirely sure what TerraDactyl thought she was doing, but it sure looked like she was bobbing for apples to me...


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