It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times...

We've been visiting some serious extremes this week as far as adorableness and...  anti-adorableness goes.  The other day, TerraDactyl asked me for pancakes.  I told her I'd have to make them, so it would take some time before she got to eat them.  She wanted to help.  Turns out her idea of helping was shoving her hands into the flour.  So, I gave TerraDactyl her very own bowl of flour to mess around in.  She was happy with this solution.  I mixed up the batter while she got floury up to her elbows.  The doorbell rang and I went to check on it.  It was just a package, so I was back in the kitchen in about 30 seconds.  I came back to the scene above.  TerraDactyl's bowl of flour was dumped out on the floor and she was rolling around in it and "making snow angels."  Amazingly, I kept my cool...  until TerraDactyl hopped up, dodged my attempt to wipe her clean, and ran around the entire house, climbed onto a couch, dusting everything in flour before I could stop her.  I definitely didn't keep my cool through all of that.  

I think, this is a really cool picture above.  TerraDactyl placed a long board over the threshold in our floor and told me to look at the see-saw that she had made.  And then she jumped up to grab her Duplos because she thought they'd fit well on the see-saw.  I think this is such a great example of creativity, imagination, and even engineering.  It completely blew my mind.  She might just be the smartest 3 year old ever.  (I may be biased).  

This story is a bit of both good and bad.  TerraDactyl was downstairs and refusing to go back upstairs with me.  It was dinner time and she was clearly hangry.  She hid in this old school desk, which made extracting her particularly hard (it was a cute picture though).  While she was melting down, I tried to explain that I thought she was hungry and that was why she was so upset.  "Sometimes mommy gets really angry and upset when she's hungry, and I think you are the same."  I never did get her to voluntarily go upstairs, but I set her down in front of her plate of food (I'd gotten it ready before the battle) and she pretty much shoveled it all down, and then came around the table to sit next to me and then eat half of my food.  Once she was done eating she smiled at me, hugged me, and then told me something along the lines of, "I do feel better now."  So...  progress?

I'm not sure how to classify this one either:  I was sleeping in on Sunday and DH and TerraDactyl made a video call to me to make sure I was up.  When I answered, TerraDactyl said:  "No no no, I don't want to talk to that mom.  I want to talk to the other mom."  Um what?!?  DH and I look at each other and we're both just like, "do you have any idea what she's talking about?"  We decided that maybe what she was trying to say was that she wanted me to come upstairs and be there face to face, rather than just a video call.  

This definitely qualifies as a good thing.  We FINALLY told TerraDactyl that we were going to have another baby in July and that she was going to be a big sister and she took the news really well.  She's pretty excited to be a BIG sister (she says it with such gusto).  We'd been looking for another dresser for the baby, but the size requirements were very restrictive and TerraDactyl's dresser actually fit them perfectly.  So we ended up getting a bigger dresser for TerraDactyl and moving her smaller dresser down to the baby's room.  I was a little worried about TerraDactyl feeling like she has to give things up because of the baby, but she took it really well and was excited about her new big dresser.  And it does work better for her.  The drawers are wider, so her pants fit in there better.  

TerraDactyl is practicing for her chance to be in a Pork commercial.  She was wiggling the whole time she ate and she kept flashing us a thumb's up.  She ended up eating half of DH's pork chop.  

TerraDactyl was munching on frozen blueberries and she kept doing a funny little dance.  I'm not sure where she gets it, but she likes to dance.  She's even told DH and me that "this is a dancing house."  

I think this is the first time TerraDactyl has seen the fountain at our local park working.  She was so excited, but it took her a while to decide whether she wanted to get wet.  In fact after the video above, she actually asked for me to take her clothes off.  I think that's why she was hesitant to get wet.  Fortunately, I always bring a change of clothes to the park, so it wan't a big deal.  I guess I'll have to start packing a spare swim suit too.  


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