Zoo, Binoculars, and Birthday

The other day we had a bald eagle in our backyard.  We were out there doing yard work all day.  And it wasn't quiet.  DH chopped up the chunks of lilac that I had to cut off the bush, messed about with the hedge trimmers, mowed the lawn...  And the eagle just hung out in the tree the whole time.  I couldn't get a great picture of him up in the tree with the zoom on my phone, so we improvised.  This was taken through our binoculars.  To be honest, it turned out a lot better than I expected it to.  

TerraDactyl was very interested in the binoculars, of course.  DH was trying to look at the eagle and TerraDactyl kept sticking her face in front of them.  She was quite pleased when she got her turn to look through the binoculars.  

TerraDactyl was playing around with some alphabet stickers and she held up the two "o's" and said, "these are mynoculars".  She's got a pretty great imagination.  It's always interesting to see what she'll pretend an object is.  And sometimes, she doesn't even need an object.  She'll just grab some invisible thing and start playing with it.  

For TerraDactyl's birthday breakfast, I made her Mickey Mouse waffles.  Our library is pretty awesome.  They have a library of "things" which includes baking items, board games, musical instruments...  All sorts of things that you might want to use occasionally, but not buy yourself.  I managed to get the waffle maker in time for her birthday.  

TerraDactyl snuck into DH's office and saw her birthday balloon early, so we let her play with it early.  She carried that thing around the house all day.  Best $1.25 I spent on her birthday.  

While I got the waffle maker in time for TerraDactyl's birthday, the Mickey Mouse cake pan was not returned to the library in time for me to use that for her birthday cake.  So I had to improvise a bit.  Luckily, the Mickey Mouse silhouette isn't that hard to reproduce.  I made a variation of wacky cake (depression-era recipe with no eggs or milk), but I used sprinkles to make it fun-fetti flavored.  TerraDactyl enjoyed helping me stir the cake batter, and the process of singing the birthday song, and blowing out the candles, and having the cake in front of her, but...  I don't think she actually liked the cake.  Well, that's not fair, I don't think she even took a bite of it.  But when I tried to clear it off the table at the end of the night she got very upset.  So...  I guess I don't have to worry that serving her a real cake will turn her into a sugar addict...

TerraDactyl going to bed with all her Disney friends.  She's got Mickey, two Minnies, Donald Duck, and Daisy Duck all in her clutches.  She's been sleeping with all five of them every night.  And when she wakes up in the morning, she brings all five of them to my bed to "sleep" with me.  Usually she just chatters at them for an hour before I give up on sleeping longer and get out of bed.  

My little Frankenstein's Monster:

Blowing bubbles during a warm, sunny, beautiful day.  And yes, she insisted on wearing that raincoat.  Although, I suppose she did end up needing it.  She pretty much always ends up playing with the hose at some point, so she's usually soaked by the time she comes in the house.  

We made a spur of the moment decision to go to the zoo the other day because the weather was so nice.  We didn't really think about the fact that everyone else would think the exact same thing...  It was pretty busy, but not too bad.  TerraDactyl enjoyed it.  We decided to skim the animal selection rather than push our limits.  I feel like zoo trips usually end in trauma because we try to look at everything.  But this time was pretty pleasant.  

We also tried renting a stroller rather than bringing our own.  It went pretty well.  TerraDactyl absolutely LOVED the steering wheel on the stroller.  I had to make a point of squatting down and pointing out the animals to make sure she wasn't just "driving" the whole time.  She also absolutely loved riding the school bus to get to the overflow parking lot.  The next day she made a point of telling me that she had fun on the school bus, but did not mention any other part of the zoo trip.  

The zoo trip was also a bit of an experiment.  It was our first long outing since starting potty training.  I brought our toilet seat insert and we took a potty break in a family bathroom for TerraDactyl.  She wanted me to turn the faucet on, so I'm not 100% certain she actually peed, but I think she did.  And if she didn't, well, she didn't pee her pants on the trip, so either way, I'm calling it a success.  

We had extra Easter Egg dye, so when TerraDactyl asked if we could dye eggs again, I said, "sure"!  She loved it.  I'm kind of wishing that I'd stocked up on clearance egg dyeing kits.  She's already asked if we could do it again.  I should have gotten cheap Glad-ware containers to store the extra dye instead of dumping it out.  Oh well.  


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