The World is My Playground

TerraDactyl absolutely loves climbing on things.  If it's possible to climb, she'll try it.  The last time we went grocery shopping, she spent 20 minutes climbing on the cart return before I finally convinced her that we needed to get the groceries home.  It might have been just as difficult to convince her to leave that parking lot as it usually is to convince her to leave the park.

My parents have a photo of my brother doing a plank with his feet on a dining room chair and his hands on the table while he looked at the comics.  I'm not sure how old he was when they took that photo, but I think TerraDactyl would like to try and outdo him.  She's already practicing...

TerraDactyl also enjoys climbing all over me.  I was trying to eat breakfast while she was doing this.  She's also got a really good grip, so her headlocks are pretty decent.  It can be overwhelming to have thirty-ish pounds pulling on you while simultaneously choking you.  And yes.  She's completely naked here.  She's going through a bit of a nudist phase.  And to be honest, if we're not leaving the house and nobody's coming to visit...  I usually don't bother to fight that battle.  

We were on a walk the other day and TerraDactyl insisted on stopping for a break.  She laid down in the grass and then told me she was going to make some "grass angels" (like snow angels).  It was pretty sweet.  She also insisted that I make some as well.  

My brother came for a visit and TerraDactyl discovered that she could con him into doing things that DH and I won't do.  Like cramming himself into her tiny jeep.  It's super uncomfortable, but she loves driving people.  She waited until he was in the jeep before telling him that she was taking him to vet to get his shots.  :)  My brother hates shots.  I almost wish I could claim that I coached her to say that just to tease him.  But she came up with it out of nowhere.  Well, not totally out of nowhere, TerraDactyl did come with me when I took Riley to the vet to get his shots, but that was like 3 months ago.  

We had a wonderfully warm day last week, so TerraDactyl and I made some blackberry/grape/beet popsicles.  The beets are a little earthy, but she seemed to like it.  She ate nearly the whole thing.  Which is pretty good for her.  She rarely finishes popsicles.  I've gotten in the habit of serving them with a bowl so that she can put them in the bowl and run off to play.  Sometimes she comes back to eat some more, but often she just forgets about it.  

But life's not all fun and games.  TerraDactyl seems to have a strong work ethic.  She always wants to go to work with daddy.  I think this picture happened on a weekend.  DH wasn't there, and TerraDactyl got through the baby gate and bee-lined it straight to the office where she promptly climbed into DH's chair, put on the headset, and got to work.  


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