Second Easter Egg Hunt

TerraDactyl got to go on her second Easter Egg Hunt.  Last year she hunted for eggs all by herself.  This year, she had competition.  We were at a friend's house and they have a little girl who is 4 (a year older than TerraDactyl).  She's one of TerraDactyl's three friends.  It's tough being a kid during a pandemic.  

The little girls (and adults) got to dye and decorate hard-boiled eggs.  Then the little girls got to look for the eggs we'd decorated, as well as the plastic eggs with the fun stuff inside.  TerraDactyl definitely had fun.  

But TerraDactyl definitely needs to work on her strategy.  She spent most of the time following the older girl, so she didn't get nearly as many eggs.  But she didn't seem to care that they didn't have the same amount of eggs.  The only time she protested was when the other girl seemed like she was going to take one of the eggs that TerraDactyl had found.  Which is a fair response, I think.  I come from a very competitive family, so I'm always watching TerraDactyl's responses and gauging for whether she's being too competitive.  

Since TerraDactyl can't eat milk, chocolate is also out.  So the only candy she got in her eggs was Jelly Beans.  And she definitely liked the Jelly Beans - she ate them all immediately.  Although, she called them Jelly Eggs.  Which was adorable and I didn't really want to correct her.  :D

Today, TerraDactyl came up to me while she was holding her Easter basket and asked if we could go on an Easter Egg hunt.  I told her that mommy and daddy didn't have any eggs hidden out in our yard to find.  She was disappointed, but then she just told me we were going to go on an egg hunt.  She grabbed my hand and dragged me around the house looking for (and finding) imaginary eggs to put in her basket.  It was an ingenious solution.  She's really pretty good at playing pretend.  I didn't even think of asking her to pretend to look for eggs.  

We got snow in April for the first time in about 80 years.  It was kind of crazy.  Downtown got a few inches, but we mainly just got a dusting.  It was enough for TerraDactyl to throw "snowballs" though.  She had a blast, even if she did make me get her three new pairs of mittens because hers kept getting wet.  We really do need to find her some snow mittens.  After the snow, we had several days of hail.  I think we probably got more hail than snow.  Anyways, after all that rough weather, my giant Lilac bush was in trouble.  One of the big branches broke and ended up bending all the smaller ones it landed on.  The poor thing is recovering, but I might have to do some more extensive pruning.  

We have a huge kid-centered consignment sale in our area.  It's pretty great.  I went twice.  The first time to find things I really wanted/needed and the second time because a lot of the items are marked 75% off on the last day of the sale.  So I picked up a bunch of "it would be nice if" things for super cheap.  Like a pair of Mickey and Minnie stuffed animals that TerraDactyl LOVES (total of $3).  She's been sleeping with them every night for a week.  And here she is, feeding Mickey his banana bread breakfast.

And here is how TerraDactyl likes to feed herself banana bread.  


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