So Many Videos!


TerraDactyl is just a nut!  (And I've got the video to prove it.)  That's today's blog theme.  This first video is TerraDactyl showing off her new laugh.  I don't think DH and I do this, but she picked it up somewhere...

And here is TerraDactyl showing off her moves at the park.  She's a big fan of the monkey bars.  And the merry-go-round.  And the see saw.  And the swings...  OK, she pretty much loves everything at the park.  Pay attention at the end to how much notice she gives me before leaping into me.  I'd like to make a note here that I successfully caught her.  

Next up, prayer.  I'm pretty sure she's saying "God bless us every day.  Amen"  Of course, she might also be praying for protection because she's ripping stuff off the bottom of the chair as she's chanting this.  Somehow she manages to balance the "terrible two" with adorableness.  She's really quite gifted.  

TerraDactyl is definitely a tool using animal these days.  She drags a bar stool from the dining room into the kitchen and over to the cabinets so that she can stand on the stool and open up the highest spice cabinet.  I caught her messing around with the green food dye.  She'd spilled so much that her hands were black initially.  I was worried she'd be green for months.  

We had a friend over to play with TerraDactyl and they synchronized their pooping.  So we were changing both their diapers at the same time.  TerraDactyl and I finished a little bit faster and TerraDactyl was really concerned that her friend had just disappeared.  ("I want Milo to come back!)

This video came about 30 seconds after the last video ended...  She really likes oven mitts.

I can't tell you a whole lot of context about this video.  It was on a weekend.  DH was up with TerraDactyl while I slept in.  I'm not sure what's going on, but it does make me laugh.  Also, this video was taken at the end of October, there's no chance TerraDactyl was going to be swimming.  But I guess that's what she wanted to wear.  

TerraDactyl knows what's what.  And she'll tell you.

I was washing dishes and TerraDactyl was playing so quietly in her room.  When I finished with the dishes, I went to check on her and this is what I found.  Not only was she not wearing the sweatshirt and pants that I'd put on her, she'd added quite a few accessories.  


  1. These are all so very cute! I love TD's creativity and sense of humor. And fashion sense--thsoe oven mitts need to hit the runway! The Milo video really gets me, of course; I hope we can get them together on the regular.


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