Musical Leanings

We were on a walk one day and we passed some workers installing solar panels on a roof listening to a radio.  It was playing "Ain't No Sunshine" and it got stuck in my head.  Over the rest of the day I was probably singing portions of it.  TerraDactyl apparently caught the ear worm and she started singing it randomly too.  It was soooo cute.  

I often end up singing the "Alphabet Song" when I change TerraDactyl's diaper because it distracts her and I need very little attention to sing it.  But lately, TerraDactyl hasn't been wanting me to sing that song.  I've also got the "Lady Picnic" in my repertoire.  But the other day she rejected that song too.  I'm terrible with song lyrics, and having to come up with a song under pressure is also really hard for me.  But I managed "Lean on Me", pretty decently if I do say so myself.  I even remembered some of the verses, not just the chorus.  

Well.  Yesterday, TerraDactyl didn't want Lean on Me either!  AND she kept insisting that I "sing song!" but rejected all my suggestions.  I was pretty desperate, so I sang the first song that popped into my head "American Pie".  I could only remember the chorus and a mangled bit about Helter Skelter.  Not exactly a kid song, but she definitely liked it.  Next diaper song she specifically requested "bye bye pie".  

Sometimes I have the worst time coming up with a song to sing for TerraDactyl, and other times, they just pop out of my mouth without much thought.  Like when I was putting on TerraDactyl's Mickey Mouse pajamas I started singing the chorus to "Hey Mickey"  She really liked that song.  

In fact, I think she's decided it's her pajama song.  Tonight, while DH was changing her into her zebra pajamas she said "Hey Zebra, you're so fine".  So cute!  


  1. "Hey, Zebra, you're so fine / You're so fine and you got lines."
    Eh, pretty good, right? TD and I might have a hit on our hands.


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