Play Naps

I think it's odd that TerraDactyl likes to pretend to nap.  She doesn't hate napping, but she's not exactly excited about taking real naps.  However, she regularly pretends to nap.  She usually grabs her changing pad and puts it upside down and then lays on it.  I'm not sure of the significance of the upside down mat.  It could be like a magical transformation, or maybe it's just that she finds the blue grippy ovals on the bottom interesting.  

Sometimes, TerraDactyl gets more elaborate and actually gets her sleep sack, hat, and mittens.  Or even grabs her stuffed dog & carrot -- one for each hand, just like she prefers to sleep.  

And sometimes, TerraDactyl facilitates nap time for her dolls and stuffed animals.  She'll lay out a blanket and then put her dolls on it.  Sometimes she even puts hats and mittens on her dolls.  The whole hat and mitten thing is something we started doing in the winter.  It was right after we bought all those mittens and she was so excited about them.  But now TerraDactyl pretty much always wants to sleep in mittens.  I'm a little concerned about what will happen when it gets super hot.  I might have to makes some super lightweight lace hats and mittens for her...  

The other night, TerraDactyl was up really late.  We didn't put her down until 8:30 pm.  DH came downstairs and I checked on TerraDactyl with the monitor.  I like spying on my sleeping baby.  Except, TerraDactyl wasn't sleeping.  She waited a minute before hopping up and waddling (due to the sleep sack) over to her bookcase and grabbing a book.  She brought it back to bed and laid on her stomach, reading the book out loud.  Obviously, she wasn't reading the book, just babbling and turning pages.  Then at 8:40, when I checked on her again, she was asleep, face down on top of her book.  Apparently, sneaky after hours reading is hereditary.  I'm not sure if I did it this young, but I can clearly remember my dad coming into my room and hiding my book so that I'd go to sleep at night.  

Here's a video of one of TerraDactyl's more elaborate play naps.  I chopped out a bunch of bits, so it's a lot shorter than it actually was, but it's still pretty long.  The actual napping part is only like two seconds long.  But the prep work is apparently the fun part.


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