First Easter Egg Hunt!

TerraDactyl's first Easter egg hunt was a BLAST!  I honestly had no idea what to expect.  She's never done a hunt, and we were all by ourselves, so she couldn't emulate older kids...  But she caught on really quick.  And she loved it!  It was adorable!  

TerraDactyl hasn't napped in over a week.  I go through the whole nap-time routine with her, and she's pretty quiet in her crib, but she's not sleeping, she's playing.  So DH and I thought we'd be fine planning on having the Easter egg hunt at 3pm.  Well.  She actually napped!  AND she slept until 4:30pm!

So, it threw our whole schedule off.  But, it probably made the Easter egg hunt go smoother.  She's a happier baby when she gets sleep.  

We didn't really do anything too amazing for the insides of the eggs.  Basically, we just put all her favorite snacks in there (Graham crackers, Goldfish, peanut butter puffs), you know, the stuff we give her anyways.  We re-gifted her a few things (a mitten, a flower headband, a broken BLUE crayon).  She seemed plenty pleased with these things.  But we did give her a few new things (chalk, dog washcloth, expanding wash cloth).  It was all really simple stuff and it probably cost us a total of $5.  Plus, we don't have to figure out where to store all her booty.  

The surprising results of letting a child play with chalk and then feed herself graham crackers!  I haven't done any editing on the picture above.  Not even adjustment to the lighting.  The weirdest thing is that neither DH nor I noticed this effect.  I think she ends up swallowing the chalk so quickly it's not permanent.  Her mouth is normal in all the other pictures.  

Oh!  And TerraDactyl's Easter Dress?  It's about 35 years old.  I wore that dress to get professional photos taken of me when I was around TerraDactyl's age.  If I'd thought ahead, I would have had my parents send a copy of the photos.  I cried the whole time.  I'm not sure how much professional photos cost back then, but my parents have some beautiful photos of a crying baby.  So I think TerraDactyl would win the "who wore it best" contest.  She certainly wore it happier.  

We paired the vintage baby dress with some dinosaur leggings and I tried my hardest to top it all off with the adorable pink boots from Grandma, but...  TerraDactyl insisted that her second shoe needed to be the black boot.  If TerraDactyl's going to imitate Flo-Jo's fashion choices, I'm glad she's going with the asymmetry aspect rather than the 6" fake nails...  ;) 

After the egg hunt, we had ham, asparagus and deviled eggs for dinner.  We've been trying to involve TerraDactyl more in activities, so DH asked TerraDactyl to shake the paprika onto the eggs.  She did well for the first shake...  and then she dropped the whole container on the eggs!  It was pretty hilarious.  

OK, so I've got a lot of video coverage of the egg hunt.  Here's an abridged version of the egg hunt (6 minutes instead of 20).  It's still got all the excitement though!  oh! And here's the mama interpretation for you:  
    Eee eee eee = Egg Egg Egg
    mo mo mo = More More More
    Doe doe doe = Dog dog dog

pretty much everything else she says is the color of the egg she's getting.  
    Blue, pink, & purple are pretty clear.  
    Green is Guh
    Yellow is a mangle of y & l.  
    Orange is "juh".  For the "g", obviously.

The moment TerraDactyl learns there is something exciting in the eggs:

Here is TerraDactyl's Graham Cracker dance.  It's sort of a waltz.

Here is TerraDactyl's Goldfish dance.  It's more of a tap dance, maybe even a Riverdance.

I promise you, we do feed this child.  It may not seem like it based on how she pounces on each snack we open, but she gets to eat as much as she wants.  OK, one last video.  Here's TerraDactyl telling us the names of letters.  


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