Dinnertime Fashion

TerraDactyl likes hats a lot.  She often insists on wearing hats.  Or even two hats!  Or she insists on us wearing hats.  Or she wears non-hat items as hats...  She really likes hats.  She also likes the Cat in the Hat.  Possibly because she can say both "cat" and "hat".  She was so excited when DH wore this red cereal box as a hat.  I'm pretty sure she thought he was the Cat in the Hat.  

TerraDactyl also really likes mittens.  A lot.  I was trying to get her to eat one day and she insisted on bringing as many mittens as she could carry.  And then all the mittens had to be on her high chair tray.  It took quite a bit of effort to figure out how to get the food on the tray without making a huge mess.  

TerraDactyl has also been experimenting with layers lately.  It's a bit hard to see them all in this picture, but she's got on a dress, a sweater, a vest, a fleece coat, and a rain coat.  All that and we weren't even going outside!  She just kept wanting to wear more layers.  :)  She was so crammed in there she could barely move.  Her arms are out to the side because she can't lower them down any farther.

However, some of TerraDactyl's fashion choices are a bit more risque than others.  Lately, she's taken to disrobing at dinnertime.  And then sometimes wearing her clothing in a different manner...

However, not every attempt at removing clothing ends up successful.  Sometimes, she just gets stuck in weird transition points.  

And sometimes the odd fashion choices are very subtle.  How long will it take you to figure out what's odd about the picture below?

And while this isn't a dinner fashion choice, it is very impractical.  TerraDactyl insisted on wearing my vest while she played with her slide.  It's practically a sleeping bag on her!  And yes, that's a "wee" on the end.  


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