I'm not sure that's what baby-proofing means...

 Not long after Christmas we came home to an owl just hanging out on our fence.  There's no flash in this picture, so you can see it's not even that dark out.  He was a super chill owl, too.  He let DH get within like 10 feet to take this picture.  Although, his head was swiveling about the whole time.

A while ago, DH and I put locks on our kitchen cabinets to keep TerraDactyl from getting into them and breaking things/making messes.  TerraDactyl has a pretty good handle on what she's allowed to do now, so sometimes I don't latch the cabinet locks immediately after opening a cabinet.  The other day, TerraDactyl took the lock off a cabinet and slipped it around her neck to wear like a necklace.  It actually took some convincing for her to let me take it off her neck.

I adore this raincoat.  It's just so cute!  The other day, TerraDactyl insisted on wearing it around the house.  She didn't even ask to go outside, she just wanted to be a little lady bug.  

Playing with Christmas presents:

And of course, if you're planning on taking the walk outside, it's important for everyone to be dressed properly for the weather:


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