Diapers, Diapers, Diapers!

TerraDactyl has lately been showing an inordinate amount of interest in diapers lately.  She likes playing with them and pretending to put them on her dolls and stuffed animals.  I'm hoping this is step one in potty training.  

She can reach the top of the changing table, so she'll just snag a diaper and go about her make-believe business.  I've been letting her because she's actually pretty reasonable about it.  Once she's got a diaper to play with, she doesn't keep going back for more.  And really, a 20 cent toy that occupies her for half an hour?  And it's not even ruined at the end?  Definitely worth it.  :)

I especially like the elaborate set up in this photo.  TerraDactyl has a diaper on her right side, and wipes on her left side, and Fancy Nancy up on her "changing table" getting wiped clean.  Now WIPES, those I DO try to keep out of TerraDactyl's reach.  She LOVES emptying out an entire case of wipes.  So for the most part I don't let her play with them.  

We have a drawer of reusable cloth wipes that are fine to use, but TerraDactyl really likes the handy pop-up action.  We no longer keep a box of Kleenex in her room because she's emptied it one to many times.  DH and I get stuck trying to pry out balled-up Kleenex that I've haphazardly jammed back into the box.  Instead I've been using the cloth wipes on TerraDactyl as Kleenex to try and re-direct her interest into using those, but... I haven't had much luck.  She'll let me use them and even help me get them into the laundry basket when I miss a toss.  But she would MUCH rather use a Kleenex (or even toilet paper) when she's pretending to blow her nose.  (She makes this adorable huffing noise with her nose...  it's so cute).

In fact, TerraDactyl likes playing with diapers so much, her Grandma made her a little felt diaper with Velcro tabs.  TerraDactyl definitely knows it's a diaper, and she even plays with it.  But she hasn't quite got the hang of how to actually put it on.  

And what the heck, here's another hilarious video of TerraDactyl trying to drink out of a plastic water bottle.  That kid cracks me up.  This is an older video, from December.  She's gotten a lot better at drinking (thankfully).  


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