Mud on Your Face, You Big Disgrace

Remember that Queen song, We Will Rock You?  There's that line: "You got mud on your face, you big disgrace"?  Well, TerraDactyl and I should have made our own music video for it.  We went out for a walk, but only made it down the hill to our neighbor's driveway.  They had the most amazing mud puddle, and TerraDactyl spent 10 minutes just running from one end of the puddle to the other.  I took some video, but unfortunately, I missed the amazing face plant.  She must have had her mouth open when she fell, because when she pushed her face up to start crying, her mouth was FULL of mud.  This picture above is after I took her coat off and used the inside to wipe out her mouth as well as wipe off her face.

So, after a quick clean up, I picked TerraDactyl up and we hoofed it up the hill to our house, where I intended to go straight to the bath with her.  But when I set TerraDactyl down to open up the gate, she ran over to the front porch and started messing around up there like she was totally happy.  So we played up there for a bit before heading in to the bath.

She had still had some mud in her mouth, and up her nose, and...  in her eyeballs!  If I'd known that, I wouldn't have let her play on the porch.  But while I was washing her, I noticed the corner of her eyes near her nose where black.  It looked really weird.  So I started working on them and finally pull out a bunch of goop from both her eyes.  She was super fussy before that, but after I got her eyes clean, she was SO happy.  Poor kiddo.  I felt just awful for not realizing that right away.

Oh!  And I was in such a hurry to get TerraDactyl into the bath, that I didn't realize that... her boots were also full of mud.  So when I pulled them off her (inside the house, of course) I dumped a huge amount of mud onto the floor.  Like a 1 ft diameter puddle.  Her boots are still drying out.


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