Merry Christmas!

TerraDactyl is much more interested in presents this year.  It took us a while to convince her it was OK to tear the wrapping paper, but once she got the hang of it, TerraDactyl wanted to open ALL the presents.

Initially, she was interested in the presents, but eventually it seemed like she just wanted to unwrap things.  Open one present and move on to the next.  Repeat.

Part of her lack of excitement was probably due to the fact that she was opening presents for grown-ups, so they're just not that interesting for kids.  But she sure did like opening them up.  And even playing with the empty boxes.  

She also really enjoys making messes, so I'm sure that added to the excitement for her as well.  :)

She did like her presents though.  Here she is running over to me so I could read her new book.  Well, the first few pages anyways.  We don't always read entire books during the day because TerraDactyl gets distracted.  But she usually lets us finish books when we read them to her at night before bed.  

Here's a prime example of TerraDactyl having a blast emptying out a box.  She really likes making a mess:

Oh!  We also got to see the Christmas Star (aka the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn).  Here's my awesome cell phone pic:


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