
We finally cut down the remains of that maple tree.  Two thirds of the tree had already fallen down in separate incidences.  The tree had too much damage to recover.  So DH chopped down the tree and Opa just barely managed to guide the tree so it didn't take out my poor raspberry bushes.  And then we had more wood to cut and stack.  We're going to have so much wood next winter!  

We still have a stump in the back yard from the maple tree.  It is the perfect height for TerraDactyl to sit on.  Every time she goes outside, she has to sit on the stump.  It's pretty funny.  It reminds me of the Giving Tree - but you know, without me bursting into tears.  

DH ran a half marathon race!  He ran the 13.1 miles in 1 hour, 45 min.  That's an 8 min mile pace!  It was a virtual race, so participants have a week to complete the race and they don't have to follow the course, they can run it wherever they want.  So, they managed to make a race with social distancing, but...  there's no competitive drive to try and pass that person in front of you.  But DH did awesome!  He made his goal and set a PR in the race, even without a crowd of participants.  DH placed 3rd out of 28 runners.  And also, he managed to run THIRTEEN MILES AT ONCE!!!  

TerraDactyl LOVES brushing her teeth.  I'm trying to start incorporating teeth brushing into the bedtime routine (as well as the morning).  But she will brush her teeth for 15 minutes!  DH and I end up chasing her all over the house while she's chomping on her toothbrush and frantically trying to play with everything in the house.  I distinctly remember disliking brushing my teeth as a child, but for some reason, my child loves it!  When I ask her if she wants to brush her teeth she practically runs into the bathroom and waits impatiently for me to get the toothpaste on the toothbrush.  She gets mad if I try to brush my teeth without her.  Let's hope this is one habit that sticks throughout her life - a love of dental hygiene. 

What do you mean "I've got too many stuffed animals here?"  That's crazy talk.  Clearly, if I can hold onto them all, there aren't too many!


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