First Hair Cut!

TerraDactyl's bangs have been a bit unruly of late.  I've been sweeping them off to the side with the intention of using a clip or barrette to hold them there.  But I've been having some difficulty finding a satisfactory toddler barrette.  Her hair is so fine and delicate and I don't want to damage it.  

When I was in high school, I did gymnastics with a girl used to use a metal clip to hold her bangs back while she practiced.  One day she landed on the clip and it basically turned the metal clip into scissors.  Every hair got cut.  So she stopped using clips and just used gel.  But it's hard to find a gel strong enough to withstand gymnastics.  So she ended up looking like Sonic the Hedgehog by the end of every practice.  Obviously, this is not exactly a likely scenario, but it does make me a bit cautious.  

Not to mention that TerraDactyl doesn't like anything on her head.  She removes hats, headbands, hoods...  pretty much anything on her head, she whips it off.  So I'm a little worried that she'd also rip a hair clip straight out of her hair.  Which means...

TerraDactyl just needed a hair cut.  To be honest it was really three person job.  I needed someone to hold her head still while I cut (and a third person to take pictures).  Since it was just DH and me, I risked a crooked cut.  :)  Documentation is important!

I managed to do it with just one cut, so that was good.  TerraDactyl was so wiggly, there was no futzing around evening things out afterward.  I'm not sure if she likes it or not, she's never really seemed to have an opinion one way or another about her hair so far.  

This next photo cracks me up.  I came in to get TerraDactyl up from a nap.  Of course, she'd thrown all her stuffed animals out of her crib.  That's normal.  She had also removed her sleep sack and tossed that out.  That's also fairly normal.  The new thing is...  She's not wearing a shirt!  Her shirt is that pink thing in the middle of the crib on the floor.  I'm not sure how she got that off, there's a button in the back to keep the neck hole small-ish.  It was just too funny.  I wish I'd seen it happen.  

Finding good hide and seek spots.  I haven't actually introduced TerraDactyl to hide and seek yet, but she certainly does like stuffing herself into small spots.  

I'm getting super close to finishing TerraDactyl's growth chart.  I just have one more picture to stitch and then the header at the top.  And then I've got to sew it to some fabric so it doesn't stretch out.  So, there's still a ways to go, but it feels like the home stretch!

Here's a video of TerraDactyl sending everyone a great big hug!  Because sometimes, you just need a hug.  


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