Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

TerraDactyl has accepted spaghettios into her diet.  However, she disdains the meatballs that come with the pasta.  She still only eats WinCo meatballs.  

And sometimes, she's just too tired to even eat.  Or something.  I'm not sure what's going on in the video...  It sort of reminds me of a reclining Roman being fed grapes.  :)

Playing in the basement is quite interesting.  TerraDactyl has started handing me all the objects she's not allowed to play with (computer mouse, remotes, baby monitor, jar of chocolate chips, etc) so that I can put them away up high on the bookshelves.  Once that's been done, she's super excited to explore around the room and find things.  She discovered by old D&D bag and she really likes that thing.  It's full of dice and figurines and stuff.  She loves taking each bag out and emptying it onto the ground and making a huge mess.

Part of me is really excited for TerraDactyl to grow up enough for us to play games like Hide & Seek.  And part of me fears it.  She's so comfortable shoving herself into tiny spots, I'm worried she's going to be one of those kids that plays hide & seek without informing me first.  And then I'll just be frantically searching for her while she congratulates herself on her wonderful hiding spot.  Here's one instance of TerraDactyl's hide & seek reconnaissance: 

The other day DH was doing magic tricks for TerraDactyl.  It was SO adorable.  She was SO amazed at first.  And then she started catching on to DH's tricks.  It was pretty fun to watch the progression.  I managed to get a video later, but it wasn't the first time, so some of the jaw dropping amazement is missing.  But it's still sweet.  I love the "ah!" squeaks she makes.

One last video.  Possibly the best one.  TerraDactyl seems to be impervious to cold & wet.  She's a crazy kid.  Always wants to go outside, and she couldn't care less if it's raining.  The "waterfall" in the video is where our gutter was overflowing.  She was SO soaked.  I had to wring out her clothes.  I basically just stripped her down to her diaper when we got inside.  Luckily we have towels at the door to dry the dog off, so I could at least get her a bit drier.  But TerraDactyl didn't even want to wait around for that.  I had to chase her half-dressed self down the stairs trying to finish stripping and drying her off. 


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