A box! What's in it?
TerraDactyl has learned that there's more than one possible use for a laundry basket. She was just pushing it around the house and putting random stuff into it. If she would have let me carry the basket around to put the things away, she might have helped save me some effort in cleaning up the house. As it was, not so much.
Occasionally, we've tried feeding TerraDactyl with bowls... But we usually just skip that step. She really likes them, but as you can see, the bowls very rarely get used properly. Mostly, they just make it possible for TerraDactyl to (efficiently) make an even bigger mess.
"Look at this giant box! I found an opening. Let's open it up!" Well, we did open it up, and TerraDactyl was quite excited to see her early Christmas present.
What is all this cool stuff?
It's a pretty cool little play structure. It's got a ladder up to a tower and then it goes back down to a slide. And there's a play area underneath it. It was so difficult to get her to climb the ladder the first time. TerraDactyl kept trying to step onto the highest rung she could get her foot onto... anyways, it only took a few times and she's practically doing the ladder by herself now. She could probably do it, but I prefer to spot her because I'd rather be there just in case.
Oh, and the box is fun too!
Time to brush our teeth!! Check out TerraDactyl's awesome outfit. She really likes dresses. When I ask here what she wants to wear, she usually chooses her red w/ white polka dot dress, or her fancy green dress. The pumpkin tights were my addition, but TerraDactyl choose the boots. She's almost too big for them, but they're just so darn cute!
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