Nine Months after moving in and the pictures are hung!

DH and I finally got around to hanging up our pictures in the "new" house.  It's only been nine months....  The delay was actually pretty helpful.  TerraDactyl is better about not needing to cling quite so hard (sometimes), which allowed us to actually get something accomplished.  I think the pandemic didn't really help.  Why bother decorating if no one is going to see the house?

TerraDactyl chose this outfit herself.  I'm not sure if it was luck or what, but she's already waaaay ahead of me on making sure her clothes match.  When I dress her, I usually just aim for "weather appropriate".  Getting a matching outfit is a secondary goal.

This milk jug with a bit of water in it is actually a great toy.  TerraDactyl LOVES it.  It makes noises when she shakes it, it's light enough for her to carry it, AND (most importantly) it's just like something that Ma Ma actually uses!

It's really interesting watching TerraDactyl cycle through her interest in different stuffed animals.  She's got access to her whole basket, but she favor one toy over another for days and then switch to a different toy.  She carried the Duplo bunny around the house for a whole day, but hasn't played with it since.  

We had that whiplash change in the weather from "super hot" to "turn the heat on and break out the rain coats!"  It's been raining lately and TerraDactyl is beyond excited about the random places she can find standing water.  She ADORES water.  We're definitely going to have to make sure she knows how to swim.  This next video is super long, but I had the hardest time figuring out when to cut it.  I literally have 5 minutes of her laughing her head off.  It's adorable.


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