I Spotted a Spotted Owl!

I walked into our upstairs bathroom the other day and I saw a big bird directly outside the window.  I thought it was a hawk or something, until it turned its head fully backward to look at me.  Clearly an owl.  But it was only 5pm and fully daylight, so that was weird (that was why I hadn't even considered it might be an owl initially).  Anyways, I think it might be a Northern Spotted Owl.  

Oh, and we made it back home safe and sound!  It was a long drive back, so we stopped half way at Oma & Opa's to spend the night.  TerraDactyl had a blast running all over the house discovering all the new things.  She wasn't nearly so mobile the last time we visited, so there were a bunch of new things for her to play with.  But she still remembered her favorite toys from last time.

She loved that baby stroller last time.  TerraDactyl wasn't so good at walking, so I think she was using it as a crutch a bit.  She still enjoys pushing the stroller, but she also insisted that I push her around in the stroller.  She sort of liked the baby, but I think she views the pacifier as a handle to pick the baby doll up.  I don't think I'll be trusting her to hold a real baby any time soon...  ;)

OK, I'm in.  Now push me!!!  Notice she's even pointing behind her, in case I didn't know where I was supposed to push on the stroller.  

The kitchen set was a new toy.  She got really excited when she found it and started emptying all the fun stuff out of it.  I think she really liked the fact that there were miniature kitchen utensils sized just for her.  

The last leg of the drive home was rough.  After two days in the car, TerraDactyl was ready to be done.  She spent the last two hours in the car practicing her loud protesting voice.  She wasn't crying, just talking forcefully and unhappily.  And when we got home, so didn't even want to cuddle.  She wanted to be put down on the ground so she could run around.  OUTSIDE.  Our grapes ripened while we were gone, so there's a bunch on the ground now.  I've got to try and harvest those guys soon so they don't all go to waste.

I think one of the things TerraDactyl enjoys the most about being at home is that she can open up the drawers of her dresser and create her own outfits.  She's got such a wacky idea of outfits, they just crack me up.  I love it.  

Normally, TerraDactyl hates hats and things on her head.  But she insisted on trying this hat on.  When we're out in the sun though?  She rips those hats off her head immediately.  I think maybe she's worried her hair will get darker as she ages, so she's trying to get that natural sun-bleached look.  ;)

Ah, after a long day, it's time to kick back and relax while reading Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book.  It's not so obvious in this picture, but she's got a pair of jean shorts over her sweatpants.  It was kind of an 80's look.  


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