Wise, Otherwise, and Cattle

TerraDactyl nosing about in Grandpa's desk.  Check out just how high up on her toes she's standing.  Maybe she'll be a ballerina...

TerraDactyl found another tiny spot to cram her little body into.  It was pretty impressive watching her get into and out of this little table.  

TerraDactyl snuggling with her second cousin.  She had so much fun with her second while I was out of the room.  But once TerraDactyl saw me, she just wanted me to hold her.  Part of the problem might have been that we ended up pushing her nap time back a bit because they were visiting, so she was probably sleepy.  

We played Wise and Otherwise the other day.  It was really funny.  It's very similar to Balderdash.  The game gives you a country of origin and the first half of a saying.  Everybody writes what they think the second half to the saying is, and then you all vote for which answer you think is right.  For example:
An old Sicilian saying "A kiss without a beard is like..."

  1. A cleaner without a mop
  2. Broth without salt
  3. An olive without a pimento
  4. Kissing your baby brother
  5. A hug without arms 

OR...  An old Cameroonian saying "Why did you go to the clearing in the bush without..."

  1. Your loin cloth
  2. Bringing a club
  3. Fresh leaves
  4. Securing your home first
  5. First making friends with the monkey

Oh, did you want to know the correct answers?  A kiss without a beard is like...  broth without salt.  That one is actually pretty normal (although, I definitely voted for "a hug without arms").  However...  Why did you go to the clearing in the bush without...  first making friends with the monkey."  I kid you not.  That was the correct answer.  We just about died reading some of the answers to this game, we were laughing so hard.  DH was in TEARS.  

DH, TerraDactyl, Riley and I went on a walk this weekend.  DH needed to take a 3 mile walk in order to earn a Garmin badge and the air was pretty good, so we made it a family event.  This is the view less than a quarter mile from the house.  

The neighbors across the street have cattle on their property (far right steer).  There are also cattle on the property on left side of the street.  All of them should be fenced in.  But somehow there was a cow (not sure on the gender) IN the street.  We sort of slowed down while we discussed whether it was safe to walk by this cow.  We decided it was probably OK.  And it went well, until we'd just about passed the cow.  Then it started following us.  And THEN it worked itself up to a trot.  It was kind of scary, I was waiting for the cow to charge us and trample one of us.  But it finally went back to its friends.  Phew!  However, an hour later we essentially repeated the exact same events because the cow was STILL just standing in the middle of the road.  It's a good thing this is a dead end street or I'm sure someone would have totalled their car when they came around the corner and ran into this guy (gal?).  

That's TerraDactyl playing soccer with an empty Kirkland cashew jar.  And below...  is just how quick this little girl is at climbing up into chairs.  It's kind of amazing when you think about doing the equivalent.  The seat of the chair is above her belly button and she can just wiggle on up there!  And she's no sooner on the chair before she's ready to climb over onto the desk!


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