Moving Faster
Some days I swear I can tell that TerraDactyl is walking faster than the day before. Her steps are longer and she can move those little legs with a bit more coordination... She is so close to running. It's getting harder to take pictures of her because she's moving so fast that she's out of frame/focus by the time my camera takes the picture!
Another exciting find... MATCHES!! This was very exciting because they rattle. It took a lot of effort on my part to get them away from her. There were some very strong words exchanged (on her part). I'm not sure what she said, but she was very unhappy about the loss of her find. It was probably along the lines of "But... FINDERS KEEPERS!"
TerraDactyl is already multitasking. Here she is, playing purses while watching the washing machine run.
I wish I had a really good picture of TerraDactyl running around the house wearing DH's hat. It was SO cute. Partially because it was so cockeyed and partially because it was so huge... It was just adorable.
Yesterday, Grandma was sweeping the floor and it was really funny watching TerraDactyl. She was very interested in what was going on, but a little hesitant about it too. She looked torn between wanting to get closer and wanting to keep a safe distance. But Riley was in the laundry room and TerraDactyl really needed to get to him, so... she just had to get past that broom!
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