Stepping Down

Sorting Laundry (and adding some dirty clothes to the "Give Away" box)

TerraDactyl enjoys spending time each day sorting her dirty laundry.  Sometimes she just pulls it all out onto the floor.  Sometimes she adds shoes or toys to the laundry basket.  (I have to be careful when actually doing the laundry to not wash odd items like that).  Sometimes she likes to mix things up between the laundry basket and the "give away" box - as seen above.  She mixes items both ways (trying to give away dirty clothes, and trying to take back clothes that are too small for her).  I have to periodically check to make sure I've got all the clothes in the right spots.


TerraDactyl is really into the peanut butter.  I'm thinking she might end up acquiring a new nickname.  Peanut.  Or Goober.  It seems like she might like peanut butter better than black beans even.  The other day she didn't finish her beans.  Instead she insisted on eating more peanut butter (I wasn't intending on giving her any for that meal).  I don't really notice it, but DH will come out of the office and note that the whole house smells like peanut butter these days.  TerraDactyl definitely smells like peanut butter.  Even I can smell it.  It's like a swim team member smells of chlorine all day long.  TerraDactyl just oozes the scent out of her pores.  :)

Pineapple Ancho Chile Pork rinds!

DH left his bag of fancy pork rinds on the ground after having lunch.  And TerraDactyl found them before I realized they were on the ground.  So the last few got sacrificed to the floor.  TerraDactyl did try one.  And found that she was not a fan.  She then offered the exact same one that she tried for my own taste test.  While it was a very generous offer, I declined.

Weird beetle bug!  Any guesses on the kind?

An interesting development in TerraDactyl's communication abilities has nothing to do with speech.  She has learned to steer whoever is holder her by pointing.  Well, and by complaining when you don't follow her pointing.  I can't decide if I like that she's communicating, or if I'm annoyed about the complaining when I don't follow her instructions.  So far I'm trying to be pleased with communication.  It does start out polite at least.

She carried my flip flop all over the place!

While we were exploring the backyard yesterday, TerraDactyl started attempting to "step down" off the concrete pad.  When she walks, she mostly keeps her knees straight.  So this whole "bending the knee while balancing on one leg" thing is new.  The video isn't of her best attempt, but it is the only one I caught on video.  (The wash cloth she's holding is the one I used to clean her up after lunch.  She refused to relinquish it.  Instead she carried it around for the next 90 minutes).


  1. She is learning so fast. And I reeeealy want to play with her !!!


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