Outdoor Girl

Mom!  What's this?!?!

TerraDactyl LOVES the outdoors.  Like over the top.  She gets super excited when you walk towards the backdoor.  And (just like Riley) she's figured out that putting on shoes means going outside.  She gets SO excited when DH or I put on flip flops.

See the Box Elder?  Just below TerraDactyl's right hand (at the corner of the concrete)?

Yesterday TerraDactyl and I spent a long time hanging out and exploring the small concrete pad in our backyard.  She found all the different kinds of tree parts that had fallen on the concrete and tried to eat them all.  We spent a lot of time working on the "No. That's not food" command.  It sort of works.

Going in for a closer look at the Box Elder...

We also found some bugs!  TerraDactyl really enjoys the Some Bugs book, and she finally got to inspect a bug in her backyard (the last page of the book)!  She was very interested in it.  She even tried to catch it.  But he managed to escape her slow motion attempt at a delicate grab.

A swing and a miss!

Riley has officially accepted TerraDactyl as one of his family members.  I can tell because he has voluntarily chosen to snuggle her clothes.  Since he does this to DH and my clothes, I can only assume this is the highest compliment Riley can pay a person.

I can feel the love

TerraDactyl continues to develop her walking skills.  While we were outside, she got six consecutive steps!  She's making great strides (sorry, I couldn't resist).  I tied her skirt up when we went outside so the netting wouldn't collect all the tree bits.  DH has a theory that little girls probably walk sooner than boys because dresses hamper crawling abilities.  We have zero evidence, but I think it's a sound theory.

TerraDactyl is also getting better at using a spoon!  She just needed the proper incentive.  Mainly peanut butter.  So far, she's been using her spoon ambidextrously.  But I think she might have more skill with the spoon in her left hand.  I also think TerraDactyl is 90% peanut butter at this point.  She has reduced her intake of other foods so that she can demand peanut butter at every meal.


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