Introducing Peanut Butter in 3, 2, 1...

What's that, Mr. Ed?

That picture is of TerraDactyl working on her first bite of peanut butter.  I didn't give her very much at all.  She just licked it off my finger.  But it got on her lips and then she spent several minutes trying to lick it off her lips.  Good news:  TerraDactyl did not have  a reaction to the peanut butter.  AND she really liked it.  Like really liked it.  Since it was her first exposure, I didn't want to give her too much, just in case she did react to it.  So after a few licks, I cut her off.  And boy, TerraDactyl did not like that.  She was pretty ticked off when I stopped caving in to her demands for more peanut butter. 

Angelina books are so much fun!

TerraDactyl has fully recovered from her birthday trauma.  She was totally back to normal that day.  I'm pretty much recovered as well.  I just have my lingering bruises from the fall.  We also made it back to the doctor to get TerraDactyl's vaccinations and everybody managed to stay conscious for the entire visit!  So that was exciting.  It's probably good we had to take two trips in such a short period of time.  TerraDactyl hasn't been in a car for months and getting into the car seat was a real trial the first time.  It went smoother the second time. 

Banana Bread!

A side effect of buying bananas for TerraDactyl to eat...  uneaten overripe bananas!  So I made some banana bread the other day.  SO good.  But I did discover that our walnuts had a "best by" date in 2016.  So...  pecans it is!  Pecans are better anyways, right?  Actually, that line of thinking is probably how our walnuts ended up so far out of date in the first place.  :)


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