Catching Up

The lilacs are blooming

The other day I fed TerraDactyl breakfast in her highchair while she was still wearing her footie pajamas.  Afterward I was changing her clothes and I found a Cheerio in the back of the waistband of her diaper.  How??  I have no idea.

How did you get there??

Our asparagus beds are already producing asparagus!  I'm pretty excited.  There's a few that look ready for harvest.  I'm not sure what variety they are, but they're purple!


If I'm going to be able to open and close the refrigerator door, TerraDactyl demands a toll.  She wants something from inside the magic box.  So I've been letting her play with the Worcestershire sauce.  It's a good size for her and it's a plastic bottle.  It seems safe enough.  Until she learns how to open it and gets a taste that is...

Don't even think of taking it away.

TerraDactyl has learned how to tip over the boxes of clothes she's outgrown.  I'm saving them to give away to other people (which might be forever from now with the whole social distancing thing).  She likes tipping the boxes over so she can dig through them and play with the clothes.  She's discovered the hairbands she previously rejected.  She loves carrying them around the house, so I've been trying to make her wear them.  It's funny watching her try to remove them.  She grabs where a hat would be, but not the headbands.  Poor kiddo.  She is cute though.

I guess I'll wear it if I must

TerraDactyl is also getting over her fear of grass.  She will voluntarily crawl off the blanket into grass to get to things she finds interesting.  Like my shoes.  Or Riley.  Or, like the picture below...  She will point out the dandylions in our lawn for me. 

What's this yellow thing right here?

Found the Duplo bunny!

Usually, Riley cleans up the floor under TerraDactyl after (or during) a meal.  The other day, Riley was in the office with DH, so he missed his clean up opportunity.  TerraDactyl came back to the scene of the crime and cleaned up all her own evidence.  I can't decide if I should encourage her to clean up after herself in this manner, or chastise her for eating off the floor...  :)

Did you want to eat this one mom?


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