We're Baaaaack!

Holy Moly!  It's been a crazy month!  We bought a new house.  So we had to pack up and move.  And then we had to fix up the old house and get it listed to sell.  And one of us (DH or I) is always useless.  Because someone has to take care of TerraDactyl.  Not because we're useless people.  ;)  With all the chaos, we're not totally moved into the new house, but here are some pictures:

The front of our house

This house has a lot more land than our last house.  Which means there's some pretty awesome stuff in the yard.

Cool herb garden thing

Raised beds with mature asparagus, some fruit trees, chicken coop and run

The tan buildings above (house and shed) are the neighbor's, not ours.  But pretty much everything else in that picture is ours.  We also have trees!  So many trees.  We're basically bordered by a tiny forest on two sides.  And there's even a creek that runs through the corner of the property.

Don't worry, we've contained the trees behind a fence

There's a pretty cool workshop with a deck and stained glass windows...

Workshop (and well house in foreground)

And we have the coolest front door:

It came from the Philippines.

The inside is not exactly picture ready yet.  We've got stuff all over.  I wanted to FINALLY get a post up.  I knew if I waited until I'd cleaned the house to take pictures, I'd never get to the blog post.  So here's the two acceptable-ish rooms:

Living room (dining room is hiding in the sunlight)

Upstairs bathroom

Wait.  Is that a giant window in the bathroom?  Yes.  It sure is.  For those of you who have never had a window in your bathroom...  You're missing out.  The first house I bought had a window in the shower.  At first, it weirded me out.  But I ended up LOVING that window.  It's so much fun to shower in sunshine!  It's an amazing feeling.  So happy and free.  It's awesome.  So, the giant windows here don't freak me out.  I like them.  Especially because that side of the house is shielded by that forest I was talking about above.  There's not another house for quite some distance on this side, with tons of trees.  However, the windows aren't the only weird thing in this bathroom.  There's also an odd pink fence.  Yeah...  That fence is around the jacuzzi (!) steps.  Because...

Yup.  About a week after we moved into the new house (which has stairs) TerraDactyl started climbing stairs.  Between the crawling and stair climbing, and standing...  TerraDactyl is quite mobile and getting into all sorts of things.  She requires "constant vigilance!" as Mad Eye Moody would say.  I discovered TerraDactyl's love of the stairs when I was doing laundry.  I didn't think much about letting her crawl around the basement while I loaded up the machine, but I came out to find her almost making it up onto the first step.  This video is from the very next day!  The rate at which she learns is amazing.  SO.  Just because your kid has never climbed stairs doesn't mean she can't.  Lesson learned.

Not only is she free-standing, she's also holding a bag of tennis balls! 

TerraDactyl is now a pro at going up stairs.  She still hasn't figured out how to (safely) get down stairs.  She would happily attempt to crawl down face first, but I haven't let her actually go through with that one.  I keep trying to show her how to turn around and go down feet first, but she won't do that on her own.  Good thing I bought a baby gate when we got this house!

Recognizing (and kissing) baby faces

So, it's been an incredibly busy and exhausting month.  But also very exciting.  We love our new house and have thoroughly enjoyed watching TerraDactyl develop her new skills.  Hopefully things have calmed down enough for me to post more regularly again. 

TerraDactyl's favorite oil change yet!  She got a Hot Wheel's car!


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