Ten Months Old!

Time flies when you're crazy busy!  TerraDactyl is now 10 months old!  Her monthly photo shoots get more and more challenging the more mobile she gets.  I tried using the Wiwoo this time to keep her from immediately rolling over and crawling away.  And this is the face she gives me when I ask her to smile:

You want me to what?

When we got the furniture in the living room I rearranged everything, which means I created new places for TerraDactyl to explore.  And is she excited to explore them!  She's a climber.  Always trying to get higher.

What do these light switches do?  (We don't actually know...)

Somehow we still end up with totes of random stuff in the middle of the room.  But TerraDactyl enjoys them so much, I find myself leaving them around for longer than I should.  With all the random work we've been doing around both houses I managed to give myself a great blood blister right on the tip of my pinky.  TerraDactyl is very interested in it.  She keeps trying to flick or bite it off.  It's kind of funny. 

How did the giraffe get in the tote?

One side effect of dressing TerraDactyl up more formally is that I feel like it's too uncomfortable for her to sleep in those clothes.  So I've been putting her in her footie pajamas.  And, she is NOT a fan of having her feet covered.  She usually pulls her socks off within a few minutes of me wrangling them on.  It's a bit funnier when she's trying to get her footie pajamas off.

Why won't it come off?!?!

Lately TerraDactyl has been very interested in the oven.  She likes the reflection in the window.  And the drawer is an easy place for her to pull herself to standing.  So far, I've only used the oven while she's sleeping, but this could be a potential problem in the future.  Until then, it's kind of funny.  She gets so animated about it.


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