One Busy Little Girl

 TerraDactyl is still not walking yet, but that doesn't stop her from finding trouble.  She's constantly trying to play with Riley.  He's pretty patient with her, but he does occasionally try to escape her.  However, as her mobility increases, his escape locations are dwindling.

Up on the fireplace hearth?  Easily within reach now.

TerraDactyl's great at climbing.  She's been able to climb up on my mattress for a while now (it's still on the floor - so 10 inches).  But now...  She can get up on the hearth (12 inches) in a couple of seconds.  One more thing to keep an eye on.

One day she'll be opening up this tiny door...

TerraDactyl is still babbling, but she hasn't really added many new sounds/words.  She HAS, however, started doing the weirdest thing.  She purses her lips, scrunches up her nose, and then huffs in and out of her nose really quickly.  It's SO funny.  But it's really hard to catch.  I got the tail end of one of these weird things in the video below:

We also found a park not too far from our new home.  TerraDactyl got to go on her first solo swing ride.  It took her a while to decide if she liked it or not.  But she eventually warmed up to the idea.  I think we're going to have to start going to the park a lot more because TerraDactyl is really not good about interacting with people.  She just sort of goes still and quiet and stares at them.  She's all smiles and excitement when she sees a new dog.  But a new person...  yeah, that's something to be wary of. 


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