Furniture Galore!

Well, DH and I have finally passed the last milestone to official adulthood.  It's not having a baby - lots of people choose not to or can't have kids.  It's not buying a house - people in big cities often can't buy houses because big cities are insane (a completely unbiased fact).  And it has nothing to do with age. 

Nope.  The last milestone to adult hood is:  buying non-IKEA furniture.  DH and I are big proponents of hand-me-downs.  And we've got by pretty well so far, thanks to our generous family and friends.  But we did need a new bed, and I fell in love with one, so we ended up paying retail for it.  It was on sale, at least.  And it's really cool.

My log cabin quilt on my log bed

Oh, did I forget to mention I bought a whole bedroom set?  Yeesh.  I don't usually care about things matching.  And I'm usually not a big spender, so I don't want to buy all the matching things.  But this was just too cool.  And the set was on sale! 

I love the twigs!

At least I didn't buy all the possible items in this style.  I wouldn't have had the space in the room!  When they started putting the bed together I was looking at it thinking "That's huge!  Did I order a king instead of queen bed?"  I didn't. 

The details are just awesome

This store (America the Beautiful Dreamer) is just cool.  They have normal furniture, but they also have some crazy weird stuff.  Check out the link.  There's some really unique, fun things.  It's pretty much all wood, which is probably why I love it so much.  DH really wants a driftwood T-Rex.  Seriously.  Check out the link!

Furnished living room!

We also "tossed in" some love seats for the living room (just casually like that).  They were having a display model sale, so we snagged the matching pair.  It's a bit nuts to splurge and have the most expensive month of the year when you've just bought a house, but...  It really was a good sale and we didn't actually spend as much as I was thinking it would cost.

Riley photobomb

We finished all the repairs that the buyer of our old house requested.  Since we finished up so quickly, the buyer requested that we close early, so that's cool.  Hopefully we'll close ASAP and be down to just one house again!  :)  The last thing on the list was having the furnace serviced by a professional.  TerraDactyl and I watched to see just what cleaning a furnace entailed.  And holy circuitboards Batman!  Look at the size of the circuit board in our furnace!!

I bet my circuit board is bigger than yours!

I would NOT have expected it to be so big!  I mean, it's basically an on/off switch to light a fire and start a fan, right?  It's nuts!  The technician did say it was a "bells and whistles" furnace, so I guess that's why there's all that extra stuff...  But STILL! 

Well, I guess I'd better toss in a TerraDactyl picture, eh?

The grass is always greener - she finally made it to the other side and she wants back to this side!


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