Finding our Rhythm

With the move and all that chaos, we were off schedule for about a month.  I've been trying to get back on it, but we were really struggling.  TerraDactyl wouldn't nap unless I held her and when I tried to get her to nap in her crib she was SO mad.  And then one day, she was quiet and I thought that meant she was sleeping...  Until I turned her monitor on and saw this:

I think the reason we've still been struggling so hard is that TerraDactyl's schedule has changed!  As babies grow and develop, when they nap and how long they nap keeps changing.  The other day I think I accidentally stumbled upon better nap times for TerraDactyl.  Hopefully, I'm not jinxing us here.

Obviously, the best part of a box of toys is the BOX!

I finally found one of TerraDactyl's Christmas presents when I unpacked a box of books!  I built the blocks up into a big tower, but TerraDactyl only had eyes for the box they were stored in.  She ignored the giant tower.  At one point, she actually knocked it over on accident and still barely noticed it.  She does like the three smallest blocks though.  They fit in her hands the best.

Working on her social calendar

TerraDactyl likes trying to sneak into my bedroom.  She'll crawl out of her room nice and slow, peak over he shoulder to see if I'm paying attention, and then sprint (crawl) towards my door.  It's pretty funny.  She loves all the fancy "toys" I have.  Like pens, and air filters, and the spray bottle of glasses cleaner is a huge hit. 

What's down here?

The last couple days after TerraDactyl finishes nursing, she's tried to crawl off the side of the recliner.  I think she found the reclining lever and is inspecting it.  It's a little hard to tell in the picture above, but she's leaning out over the side really far.  I'm holding onto her leg, so she won't get any farther, but she seemed willing to just go head first down the side.

TerraDactyl loves taking selfies!

TerraDactyl LOVES my phone.  And it's even better when I flip the camera into selfie mode.  She immediately grabs the phone and pulls it right to her face.  With a huge smile on her face.  So...  why doesn't she smile when we see other kids at the park? 


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