Active in All things

Little TerraDactyl is so active these days!  She's into everything.  She easily opens her dresser drawers and empties them onto the floor.  This is a new favorite game.  She's even learning to avoid smashing her fingers.

The formerly organized book and toy shelf

The pediatrician gave us a list of games to help with cognitive development.  One of activities was "removing and replacing objects from drawers and boxes, etc".  So far, TerraDactyl has only shown interest in removing objects.  All the objects.  She can empty out all her dresser drawers.  However, I try and direct her to her new toy box.  I'd rather replace the toys than re-fold the dresser items.

The one item that she placed in the toy box??  Herself.

I had to carefully choose the toy box.  It's soft and squishable.  If it were hard sided, she would use it to try and stand up and then it would tip and wack her on the forehead.  Not that this happened with the last toy box...  But really, everything in our house is a toy.  One of TerraDactyl's favorite items?  A tube of hydrocortisone.  She LOVES that thing.  She also loves shoes.

This shoe used to be in the other room, put away on the shoe rack.  But it needed to come on a journey.

TerraDactyl is also INSANELY active while breast feeding.  Not every time, but most of the time.  I remember when I used to think this was an active baby while breast feeding:

Now...  She's doing full on yoga and gymnastics.  TerraDactyl has mastered Downward Dog and is on her way to learning headstands, all while she's sucking down milk.  It's nuts.  But we're making it work.  It does require some spotting and catching on my part.  At least she's not biting.  She had a couple good bites, but I stopped feeding her immediately after that, and I think (fingers crossed) we're passed that. 

It's a bit difficult to capture the insanity while it's happening

Some days she's a bit more chill about her abnormal feeding positions. 

Taking a snooze

The experts do tell you to try and breastfeed in different positions.  This is totally what they mean, right?  ;)


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