Parenting Achievement Unlocked!

I sanitized my first two board books yesterday!  I bought two board books from Goodwill -- Llama Llama Red Pajama and a felt flap book called Where's the Unicorn.  Yes, it sounds crazy to "wash" a book.  But considering just how thoroughly TerraDactyl attempts to eat her board books, I figured it was worth it.  I'm totally blaming my sister for introducing me to the concept of washing used books.  I'm only a weirdo because she's a weirdo.  If it weren't for her, I'd be totally normal.  Scout's Honor.

Busy playing, but not willing to let go of that pacifier

As TerraDactyl has been recovering from her cold, somehow she has shifted her bedtime from 7:30pm to 4pm.  Which means I have to wake up at 2am for a feeding and then 4am for the day.  Which is so not cool.  I was willing to consider starting my day at 5am.  But no way am I willing to start it at 4am.  I am neither delivering newspapers nor TPing someone's house (the only non-sleep activities acceptable at 4am).  So I'm desperately trying to convince TerraDactyl to get back on the 7:30pm bedtime schedule.  We've maybe made some progress, but we're not there yet.

She's loving the pacifier, but as you can see, she doesn't always use it correctly

Yesterday, DH left me the car so I could run one errand.  I ended up being out of the house from 1:30pm to 5pm.  I decided to try and do a bunch of errands.  And miraculously, TerraDactyl was totally willing to let me do all the errands I wanted to.  Even with the aforementioned 4pm bedtime previously demanded.  She wasn't always excited to get back into her car seat, but she was totally chill about being packed all over town and checking out a bunch of stores.  Which is how we ended up with Goodwill books.  Because really.  Books!  And they're so cheap at Goodwill!

Can you tell just how tired this baby is from all that running around?  LOL

Yeah, she totally fell asleep while DH was reading her Ferdinand.  She's usually much more active when we're trying to calm her down with bedtime books.  But she'd had a big day.  I got to watch her melt and slide down DH's chest as he read her the last few pages.  


  1. Sounds like an effective bedtime story...or you'll want to take her on a four-hour excursion when she's fussy ;)


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