Thanksgiving with Oma and Opa

It was a rough drive to Oma and Opa's house.  It's only 4 hours, but TerraDactyl managed to poop THREE times that morning.  There were a lot of tears (I'll let you imagine whose tears) and wet wipes.  But we finally made it. 

TerraDactyl wants kitty socks like her cousin Little

My brother may be regretting trying to make a Patriots fan out of TerraDactyl when she eats his Pats hat

TerraDactyl is getting more mobile and independent, so she was less content to be held the whole time.  There's always a lot of people willing to hold her, but this trip she wanted to be down on the floor practicing her crawling and playing with toys. 

Oma has all the best things, just within reach!

TerraDactyl is really into hair pulling right now

Thanksgiving dinner went well.  TerraDactyl got to try out her first high chair.  She stayed in it alright for about 10 minutes.  Then she was too squirmy.  So I ended up eating Thanksgiving dinner with TerraDactyl in her Tula pack on my belly. 

Turbo holding tight to his very own Thanksgiving Turkey

After a whole lot of changing of cameras and messing with delay settings, we finally managed to get some family photos.  We could not figure out Opa's cameras, so my BIL ran home and grabbed my sister's camera.  Then we just had to get us all smiling at the same time...  ;)

Yeah, TerraDactyl is totally petting Riley during the pictures

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was happy and safe, with plenty of family, love and food!


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