TerraDactyl's First Cold

Saturday, TerraDactyl got her first cold.  She's been pretty puny.  She had a cough with some sneezes and a very runny nose.  I've been working on wiping her nose, but she hasn't figured out that she's supposed to blow it yet.

Look mom!  There's a ladder in the kitchen!

The first day TerraDactyl was sick she slept pretty much the whole day.  We thought she was taking a nap at 4pm (a bit late, but she slept so much we let her do it), but she just stayed asleep.  DH tried taking her out of her sleep sack to wake her up, but she just kept sleeping through it all.  So we stuck her in her crib and she slept the night through.  13 hours!  She was super hungry when she woke up and then she went back to sleep.

A late 8 month photo

I think TerraDactyl's mostly back to a normal number of waking hours, but her nose is still runny and she still sounds a bit phlegmy.  And, of course, she wants more snuggles than normal.  Poor kiddo.  But she's also starting to want to crawl around and explore more, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

A tag & texture blanket made by my sister.  TerraDactyl's been exploring it.

Last night TerraDactyl was exploring enough that I had to reinstate her yoga mat barrier to try and keep her from getting into trouble.  She's pretty good at finding trouble though...  She's a bit tired in the video, so it makes her less coordinated.


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