TerraDactyl's First Christmas

TerraDactyl got to celebrate three Christmases this year:  one with just the three of us, and one with each set of grandparents.  Giving presents to a baby is similar to giving presents to a dog (in my experience).  Often, the packaging is just as much fun (if not more fun) than the present.  And they're just as satisfied with one present as they would be with 10. 

TerraDactyl's first Christmas presents!

We got TerraDactyl some board books box sets.  She LOVED playing with the empty boxes.  We've still got them around and she's still enjoying playing with those empty boxes.  She's happy with the books too, as long as she's eating them.  She's less interested in reading them. 

What a turkey!

I was moving some of TerraDactyl's clothes around (getting rid of the small stuff and bringing in some bigger stuff) and I found this onesie.  It's awesome.  I love it.  Even if it is a bit off-season.  It's still perfect because she can be a real turkey sometimes. 

TerraDactyl helping mom with laundry

As TerraDactyl has been getting more mobile, she's started exploring more of the house.  She got herself all the way over to the laundry room the other day.  Possibly the most impressive part of this statement is the fact that TerraDactyl managed to crawl PAS the dog food and not get distracted from her quest in exploring.  This also means that she found 1) the laundry rack, 2) the robot vacuum's home base and 3) the dog door.  I had the FUNNIEST video of TerraDactyl playing with the dog door.  She'd push it open and Riley (who was on the outside) would push his head inside to see what was going on.  It was adorable.  But I learned a valuable lesson.  When my phone is out of memory, it doesn't tell me until the video tries to save.  And then it just doesn't save it.  SO.  In the future I will try to be more vigilant about making sure I've got available memory on my phone.  Because I will always regret the loss of that video. 

Christmas at Oma & Opa's

You can tell that this is a good present because TerraDactyl spent the whole time trying to eat it.  I'm not sure what made this particular present so tempting, but she really singled it out.  Although, once there were some unwrapped presents, TerraDactyl did enjoy playing with the silky ribbons. 

Playing with cousin Turbo


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