First Official Crawl and Snow!

Time to play a bit of catch-up from our Thanksgiving trip! December 1st was a big day.  TerraDactyl got her first official snow.  And it was a BIG one!  We got 5 or 6 inches while we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa.  Thankfully, I was hoping this would happen and I packed a snow suit so we could get some pictures.  :) 

Snow Family!

It was still snowing while we were taking pictures.  And it was pretty windy, too.  Riley wouldn't pay attention, he just wanted to run off and chase Ryker (Grandpa's dog).  It's surprisingly difficult to get everyone smiling at the same time.  Thankfully, Grandpa was willing to take about 50 pictures so we managed to get a few good ones. 

Temperature check!  Cheeks are still warm.

It snowed so much we were a little worried we wouldn't be able to drive back home.  But we made it.  The drive itself went pretty smoothly.  The roads were nice and clear, the sun was out.  We timed our trip perfectly. 

I love how surprised she looks here...

There's a good smile!

Once I let go of Riley, TerraDactyl gave us a ton of smiles (DH and I became the problem).  She loves watching Riley.  Riley was having a blast running around in the snow and chasing Ryker, so TerraDactyl was one happy baby.  Just nonstop giggling. 

Riley is "catching" snowballs (and loving it)

TerraDactyl also achieved her first official crawl on December 1st.  She'd been close for a while, but we didn't want to check off the "I can crawl" box in her baby book until she managed 4 sequential limb movements.  And once she got that, she was pretty much on the move.  Here's a video of TerraDactyl crawling to DH (the awesome quilt she's crawling on was made by my MIL). 


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