Adventurous Eating

We finally got a high chair!  It turns out, trying to feed a baby in a bouncing jumper while she'd rather play is...  really hard.  We'd kind of avoided buying a high chair since our house is pretty small and we didn't want another piece of furniture in there.  But we finally admitted defeat.  I think TerraDactyl actually kind of likes it.  Now that she's so good at sitting up, I think she likes sitting in the chair.

Who's a big girl now?

The high chair also puts her at a much more comfortable height for us to try and feed her.  Unfortunately, the high chair hasn't made her like eating baby food any more.  She's still a stinker.  But it's a little easier to get the spoon to her mouth.

Typical "mouth fused shut as the spoon approaches" from TerraDactyl

So what kind of food does TerraDactyl like?  Obviously, milk, she loves that.  But lately, she's been trying to expand her diet to include more protein.  Specifically, dog food.  😒  She is obsessed with dog food.  Every time she crawls into view of it, Riley's bowl distracts TerraDactyl from whatever she was doing and she changes direction for it.

She's even tried to fake out DH by feinting left and going right

The kibbles are a choking hazard, so we really don't want her playing with them.  And unfortunately, often when she goes for the dog food, she ends up flipping over Riley's water bowl.  That corner of the kitchen has gotten more mopping in the last month than it has the entire time we've lived in this house!  The following video is a good sample of TerraDactyl's recent behavior:  1. Distracted from chasing Riley to exploring dog food,  2. Displaying mastery of the "crawl to sit to crawl" transition, and 3. Developing grabbing skills.  Not captured (because I tried to prevent it) is TerraDactyl grabbing the side of the bowl and flinging the dog food all over the kitchen by swinging the bowl in a beautiful arc.  She kept hold of the bowl while completely emptying.  It was actually kind of impressive.


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