Actual Christmas Day

TerraDactyl and her Sugar Plum Fairy stocking

TerraDactyl got to spend the actual Christmas day with Grandma and Grandpa.  On Christmas Eve we had a big party with all the aunts and uncles and cousins.  TerraDactyl did pretty well, but lately she's gotten pretty clingy.  She's usually happy with DH, but sometimes I'll walk into the room and TerraDactyl will just start crying until I hold her.  It's kind of sweet, but...  it's also annoying.  It's hard to get anything done when TerraDactyl insists I never put her down.  I spent most of the party trying to hide so TerraDactyl wouldn't see me and freak out.

The best part of gifts is the wrapping!

While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's, TerraDactyl started to explore the 3rd dimension.  She was using footstools and boxes to try and pull herself up to standing, and she was doing a lot of downward dogs and trying to walk her hands back to push up to standing.  She did get herself up to standing once, by using a footstool.  She might have had more success with the other objects, but they were all on the hardwood floor and her footie pajamas were too slippery.

It's not a great picture, but she sat down immediately, so I didn't have time to get her in focus.

TerraDactyl trying so hard to get vertical

While we were on our trip, TerraDactyl had to sleep in her Pack n' Play.  The first few days were a pretty rough transition.  When she falls asleep in her bassinet, TerraDactyl usually grabs onto the top rail, and I think she finds it comforting.  But the Pack n' Plays are deeper, so she can't reach anything to hold on to.  So there was more crying than normal.  But by the end of the trip, she was sleeping in there.  Naps weren't going awesome, but she was at least sleeping overnight.

The cutest little Fox ornament ever!

By the end of the trip TerraDactyl had also learned to wave!  Probably because she met so many people and they were all waving at her.  I'm not sure she really knows what it means, but she imitated it a few times.  We've yet to capture the wave in a picture, but we'll keep working on it. 

Trolli candy is the perfect gift.  It has a distracting fluffy top AND it rattles!


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