A High Speed Chase

Sleep training is continuing.  Nights are going pretty smoothly.  TerraDactyl usually fusses for a few minutes after we lay her down, but not for long.  And if I'm careful, I can usually sneak into bed without waking her up.  Unfortunately, she wants to wake up at 5am.  It's 6am if I'm lucky.  I've never been a morning person, so this is hard for me.  But I'm trying to make the transition gracefully and with love (you know, rather than bitterness and annoyance 😉).

The cutest dragon ever

Naps however, are not going quite as smoothly.  She's pretty ticked off when we lay her down.  She tries to sneak in snuggle naps, but she's got very little interest in sleeping alone in her bassinet.  We're trying to find the sweet spot between "not quite tired enough" and "over tired and angry".  It's a bit like Goldilocks.  I've been tracking when TerraDactyl eats, plays, and sleeps, and trying to find a schedule that works for us.  This is also hard for me.  I'm an "eat when I'm hungry" person, not an "eat at a particular time" kind of person.  But I'm hoping having a regular schedule will help us have more successful naps.

She started out reaching for Riley, but got distracted by the computer...  She loves computers, and phones, and TVs...

TerraDactyl has always been interested in the robot vacuum.  She used to always be in her Baby Bjorn or jumper when the vacuum would turn on, but these days she's on the floor more often than not.  This puts her in a position to actually interact with the vacuum.  And the other day, she finally caught it.  Briefly.  I have no doubt she'll continue to try.  The video below cracks me up.


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