Seven Months

TerraDactyl had her seven month birthday the other day!  She's getting so big!  We had a bit of a photo shoot to commemorate. 

Seven months old!  This is the picture I'll stick in the baby book.

It's always interesting trying to catch TerraDactyl in a good pose.  She's so mobile now, she flips over to her stomach almost immediately.  And if I manage to keep her on her back she does like above and pulls up her dress or something, like the picture below...

She does NOT have this giant Buddha belly.  I have no idea how she managed to do this...

Wall sockets have become an attraction.  At least, the one right next to where we spend our tummy time is a big draw.  I think it's just because it's the only thing on the big expanse of blank wall.  But TerraDactyl migrates straight to it.  It's pretty interesting watching the bizarre things she does to that transformer.  It used to have a USB cord for charging, but we finally just unhooked the cord unless we need to use it because TerraDactyl adores cables.  They're the perfect size for her little hands.  She can get a great grip on them.  And then...  they go straight into her mouth.  Because, what else would she do once she's got a hold of something?

She explored it with her toes for 10 minutes or so.  Quite leisurely.  

TerraDactyl and Riley have been bonding lately.  She loves him.  Just watching him walk by will make her smile.  If she's fussy, I can cheer her up by holding her and chasing Riley.  If they're both on the floor, TerraDactyl will (slowly) make her way over to Riley.  And for his part, Riley will just wait for her to come get him.  Lately, they've started playing together.  Riley has been great about not playing with TerraDactyl's toys.  TerraDactyl has not been so great about leaving Riley's toys alone.  :)  And whenever someone picks up Riley's toys, of course he gets excited.  So they've played some very, very slow speed games of chase.  And even some tug-o-war as viewed below:


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