Mommy's Little Helpers

Before DH and I had TerraDactyl, Riley was very solicitous of me when I was upset.  If I got scared watching a movie, or stubbed my toe, or made a frustrated noise, Riley would come running to cheer me up with a snuggle.  I loved it.  It made me feel all warm and fuzzy while we snuggled together.

Man, I LOVE the funny faces this kid makes!

Well, these days, more often than not when I'm frustrated it's because I'm in an awkward position with an angry baby and I'm sleep deprived.  Add to that a dog that desperately wants to cuddle and comfort me, it's a tripping hazard and/or too many babies to deal with all at once (and I've only got the one lap for snuggling).  I'm finding this formerly adorable trait of Riley's much less desirable these days.  Poor pup.

TerraDactyl loves licking this piece of plastic.  She homes right in on it whenever it's in range.

Fortunately, Riley is taking TerraDactyl's continued presence in stride.  It's been a pretty big upset to the state of Riley's life, but he's adapting well.  As TerraDactyl gains mobility, she's becoming more interested in Riley - reaching for him, grabbing onto fur, trying to gnaw on whatever part of him is in reach...  For the most part Riley has been super chill about it all.  I'm trying to supervise them closely while still allowing them to interact.  But I am a bit nervous about it.  I hope it's just be being a worrier. 

I was here first.  Find your own spot!


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