Making Friends

TerraDactyl is a HUGE fan of her jumper now-a-days

TerraDactyl had a play date this weekend.  We met up with a friend and her 18 month old daughter for breakfast.  TerraDactyl was perfect, right up until my breakfast was delivered.  And then she started freaking out.  And only I would do for consolation.  So I got to hold TerraDactyl in one hand and eat breakfast with my left hand while rocking side to side.  I keep getting surprised by what new feat of coordination I'll have to pass while in public.  Like eating waffles with my fork in my left hand.  I imagine I'll be an accomplished left hand eater in a few years, but I'm not yet, and learning while in public is not exactly ideal.  On the bright side, the next time I'm in Europe, I can show off my European-style silverware skills. 

Grumpy face

After breakfast we all walked to a park not far from my house.  TerraDactyl ended up falling asleep in her Tula carrier while her friend got to play on the swings.  She also got a lot of practice saying "baby" since we had TerraDactyl with us.  ;)  Since they're basically a full year ahead of us, it was a good chance for me to pick the brain of another mom and get a preview for what's the come.  It was also just really nice to get out and talk with another mom.  My non-parent friends have been very patient with me, especially considering just how much of my conversation now revolves around bodily functions...  it's a bit ridiculous.  (I'm so sorry, guys!)

Bedtime stories with Dad

Lazy morning snuggles with Dad

DH sent me this video the other day and it just cracks me up.  Everything about it.  The delivery, the timing, the reaction...  it's just too funny.  I hope you find it as funny as I do. 


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