Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool?

I wouldn't exactly say that TerraDactyl is talking yet, but she's definitely working on it.  When she's really, really upset she says "Meh Meh" and she's done that for a while.  In the mornings when we get up, I try to encourage her to make other phonemes (Ma, Da, Ba, La...).  She doesn't usually reply.  Just smileys and gets happy.  But just in the last couple days, TerraDactyl has definitely started saying "Ba".  So that's pretty exciting!  Maybe we'll get some other sounds soon, too. 

Tongue strengthening exercises

The Baby Bjorn bouncer may be getting replaced as a favorite...  TerraDactyl is getting so active, sometimes I wonder how much longer she'll allow me to use the Baby Bjorn.  She leans over the side and twists around backwards...  I think the main reason she still likes it is that it puts her at the perfect height for Riley to kiss her.  She LOVES Riley.

What are you hiding back there?!?!

TerraDactyl is also still very interested in the vacuum cleaner.  She's always watching it whenever it comes near.  And if she's on the floor, TerraDactyl actively attempts to crawl to it (or reaches out to grab it). 

Hello Robot-friend!


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