Adventures in Eating

We've been feeding TerraDactyl baby food for the past month.  So far, she hasn't been too pleased with it.  I ask her to say "ahh" and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth so her mouth is shut tight.  It takes a ton of time and effort just to get a couple scoops of food into her mouth.  And the faces she makes...  They're pretty hilarious.  Unfortunately, Riley has caught on to dinner time.  So while I'm trying to convince TerraDactyl to open her mouth, and keep her hands from flailing around and knocking the spoon out of my hands, Riley is more than happy to try and steal the bite of food. 

Dinner time is begging time

While TerraDactyl doesn't seem to enjoy her food so far, I do think she's less upset when the baby food is room temperature, as opposed to cold.  I actually got her to eat quite a few peas yesterday.  Of course, we also ended up making quite a mess (which again, Riley was more than happy to help with).  TerraDactyl had tried to take command of the spoon and direct it's motion.  But, I think most of the peas did end up in her mouth...  :)

I think peas are my favorite!

So, after seeing how well the teamwork went, I thought I'd let Terradactyl be in charge of the spoon.  I think it actually went pretty well.  She was more interested in chewing on the spoon (she still doesn't have teeth yet) than actually transferring the food into her mouth.  But she was quite pleased with herself for holding the spoon all on her own.  She was even able to pick it up after she'd dropped it on the jumper's tray.

Eating is more fun when I'm in charge!

Now, if only I knew what to do with all the tiny baby food jars once they're empty...  Here's a quick video of TerraDactyl's first foray into self feeding:


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