A life without TV

TerraDactyl continues to investigate how drawers work.  She's really only getting the drawer open a few inches and it closes as soon as she lets go.  It's pretty fun for me to watch though.  

It still opens!!

My days of watching TV are pretty much over.  We don't want TerraDactyl watching TV, so what we watch has to be after she's asleep.  And I go to bed about an hour after TerraDactyl does, so I want to spend my baby-free time wisely.  However, once TerraDactyl and I are in bed, DH gets to watch TV.  Fortunately, our TV has Bluetooth, so he can listen with his headphones and not risk waking TerraDactyl.  It took us a while to figure that out though.  For the first four months or so, DH was basically watching with the TV nearly muted and the subtitles on.  We felt silly once we finally thought about the headphone option.  Lately, DH has been watching the Netflix original series Atypical.  It's about a family with a teenage son with autism.  It seems like a really interesting show.  And if I could watch TV, I'd totally watch it.  Maybe I'll be able to in a few years...  ;)

She was so intent on trying to crawl, I don't think she realized I was sitting next to her


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